Tuesday, November 1, 2011

NaBloPoMo...what's that?

I consider myself new to the blog world but I did read something about this a few weeks ago and then my friend reminded me today, thankfully because I completely forgot, oops!!

Happy National Blog Post Month! yep that's right...every day this month you get to read my exciting blog lol I guess if you consider my ramblings and endless stories/bragging of the boys to be excited you are in for a treat :-P

We are all sick right now so it may be challenging this week but I will do my best! I felt pretty good yesterday and then last night I felt like something came along and zapped all my energy, it stinks : / Especially when I am keeping with the 3 silly boys at my house :-P But we will survive!

We had a really fun Halloween weekend with a fun halloween party, snow, halloween parade and then ending with trick or treating. An odd moment at the parade, a perfect stranger was taking picture of J&K=0 I didn't realize what she was doing, she was smiling in their direction looking at her camera but both myself and a friend thought she was looking at pictures on the camera. And then she walked over and tried to get a picture of my friend's baby. Weird.

I was really surprised by our neighborhood....everyone turned out and Gavin came home with a lot of candy! A couple of years ago hardly anyone was out but I had a lot of people come by the house too. Kaleb went to bed early but Jakob stayed up to help me, he was too cute! Everytime the door bell rang he would immediately drop what he was doing and crawl as fast as he could to the front door. Then give the trick or treaters a BIG smile and sometimes a quick dancing show. He is such a ham! J&K will get to go next year...they had enough fall/halloween festivities this year :-)

My most exciting news for today is I can officially say I have lost 10 lbs!!! YAY ME!!!! I REALLY wanted a chik fil a sandwich today though...I don't feel well so it was hard since we drove thru for Gavin but I didn't get it. I did have a nugget and a couple french fries....the horror! lol Otherwise I have been doing really well with the Medifast meals. I ordered my 2nd month but I really just wanted more of my favorite stuff. I still have alot from my first order since I am doing 4 of their meals a day instead of their recommended 5. So that is saving me a bit of money, always nice :-)

Another 15lbs to go. I know, I know...could I have picked a worse time of year for this? Thanksgiving and Christmas?! But seriously, I don't mind having a taste here or there. Nothing wrong with moderation and I feel like I am getting myself back on track as far as portion sizes and eating 5-6 times a day, those were also part of my goals. So while it will be challenging, we will get there. And hopefully once I get rid of this cold, I can get back on the treadmill and start Couch 2 5K again, thats my plan at least:-P

Must go and sleep! And of course, read some more Game of Thrones. I am book #5..book#4 started losing my interest but I pressed on and finished it. I find myself skimming part of #5 : / It is a good series but the author just keeps introducing more and more characters. There were already alot to start with but now I have to see how it all ends!


  1. We have a lot in common twin boys and a passion for Chik- Fila LOL

  2. Way to go! 10lbs is awesome! And you did it fast! Took me 4 months! heh. I have totally fallen of the wagon this week :( Mmmm chik-fil-a.
