Monday, October 31, 2011

Mr. Christmas is here!!

It snowed over the weekend...not a lot but there was a dusting. It was icky wet snow so not fun to play in.  But when Gavin woke up from nap and saw the big snow flakes he exclaimed, "SANTA IS HERE!!!" I guess we told him or he heard somewhere that when it snowed that meant Santa was here. So in a rush I grabbed some paper, wrote a letter from Santa and left the letter and Elf on the Shelf on table so Gavin could find it! WHEW! So Santa WAS here but isn't any longer *sigh* lol

We read the book to Gavin and explained to him why the Elf was here. Gavin named him Mr. Christmas ;-) Fitting...don't you think? :-D

On Sunday the newspaper came with all the inserts including a Toys R' Us toy catalog. Gavin got a pen and started circling things he wanted. Adorable!! He then would either go up to Mr. Christmas and tell him what he wanted or would take catalog and show him so he could pass the message along to Santa. For a while all we heard was, "Mr. Christmas, I would like a drum set please. ok? ok thank you" or "Mr. Christmas, I would like this radio...see it here in the picture?" or "Mr. Christmas, I would like these speakers. Thank you!"

ADORABLE!!! I am going to try to catch this on video because it melts my heart :-)  Mr. Christmas has also been helpful when we need Gavin to listen and be on good behavior, hehe

Thank you Mr. Christmas!

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