Monday, November 14, 2011


:-D these were Marcin's words about this time a year ago. It has now become an ongoing joke in our house but boy it was not funny at the time. J&K were just over 2 months old and our house was crazy to say the least. This particular night Gavin was already in bed (thankfully!), we were still trying to figure out J&K's reflux issues and find that magical combo that would work for each of them and not getting any sleep. Jakob had projectile vomitted everywhere after his bedtime bottle...and I mean everywhere on everything. It was like something out of the Exoricist movie. Kaleb was refusing his bottle and screaming because his reflux was awful. Marcin and I each had one of them and then switched off a few times. He finally looks at me and says 'IS THIS ANY WAY TO LIVE?!" I start crying because I don't know what to do besides press on and be as patient as I can be with no sleep. Believe me when I say, my patience was running very thin.

We were talking about this the other night and it just reminded me of this story. It was a tough first few months but we survived it. I think it makes such a big difference that he and I work so well together. Honestly, if we didn't, it would be a disaster. Even now, it takes both of us working together and helping each other out when we need some quiet time or just to get out of the house for a bit. Don't get me wrong, we have fun but sometimes we just need a break from all the craziness!

:-D And now we have two sweet little toddlers who also survived and are now a little over 14 months old walking, babbling and have the best personalities!

Kaleb is a quite the climber with absolutely no fear. He climbs anything he even thinks he may be able to climb, he falls and gets right back up to do it again. No wonder the child likes to sleep so much :-) He is either climbing or reading a book in his basket.

Jakob isn't quite as adventurous until he gets the idea from Kaleb and then he tries it, falls and cries like you ripped an arm out of its socket. He has two volumes....quite and super loud. It doesn't matter if he is hurt or someone takes his toy, he cries the same:-P But I will say, he is persistent because he will go back and try the obstacle again later until he gets it. He is a cuddler, he is always chasing after Kaleb to knock him over and hug him. And he loves his cars, rolling them back and forth.

Gavin is the best big brother! He tries his hardest to keep them both safe and away from his 'drums' (aka..pots, pans, tubs, anything he can turn upside down and bang with drum sticks). Oh and did I mention that Gavin is pretty much 100% potty trained!? I never thought it would happen but he decide a couple weeks that he didn't need his 'sleepy underwear' for naps and bedtime. He wanted to wear to his "big Boy underwear." What could I say to that besides ok? (While quietly hoping and praying for as few accidents as possible!) So far, he has done great! We are so proud of him. Everyone said it would happen and it did. Please remind of this when it is time for J&K to start lol

My oldest child, Marcin is slowly but surely coming to the realization that he has three children. :-D We still look at each other in amazement sometimes and say to ourselves that we have three sweet, healthy boys and how very blessed we are to have them in our lives, crazy or not.

1 comment:

  1. You both are very blessed with 3 amazing boys. And they are also blessed to have such loving and amazing parents!
