Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Baby A is walking!!

Of course I didn't get it on video but Kaleb walked half way across family room unassisted :-) He has been working hard it the past few weeks. He is so proud of himself when he finds you in the room and gives a big grin! Jakob is right behind him...I give him a week or maybe two depending on how determined he is. Crawling is still faster for them so if he wants to get somewhere quickly he will drop down and crawl.

I have been saying for months that I am ready for them to walk! I know I shouldn't wish the time away but it is tough carrying two toddlers around everywhere. Downstairs (although Kaleb is pretty good going down backwards), getting in/out of car and just getting around in general. While I am wishing, I would also like to skip the clumsy, uncoordinated part of the beginner walkers and just go right to the good walkers. That's not too much to ask right? hehe

Gavin loves to 'help' J&K practice their walking skills. He will get behind them and hold their hands (just like he sees us doing) and encourages them to 'keep going' or "you can do!" he is such a sweet big brother! He really enjoys playing with J&K. It makes such a difference in Gavin not requiring my 100% undivided attention because he can play with them. They also love playing with Gavin. We have 3 push toys...a mickey plane, lion and a train. All 3 boys will pick one and go around and around the house, screaming and laughing. I love that sound. Kids have THE best laughs! Not to say they don't all fight over the toys...Kaleb MUST have whatever Jakob is playing with. Gavin MUST have whatever he sees one of them going to get to play with. And Jakob usually just sits back and minds his business unless it is something he truly wants, then he will get in the middle lol We are in for some good times as these boys grow :-)

I forgot to say what I was thankful for yesterday. Well not really, I was super thankful for my friend bringing over dinner for us! Today I am thankful for my health. I was thinking last night how the humand body is so resilient. I hope I can stay healthy for a long time!

There is alot I need to do here but most of all I need some rest with this cold. So instead of cleaning, putting away halloween stuff, folding/putting away laundry and all that...I am going to rest :-D Marcin are you reading this...I did think about doing that stuff but I just don't have the energy right now. Plus all kids are sleeping = resting for me!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I thought for sure it would be Baby B!!! And you are so very welcome :)
