Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Thanksgiving next week?!

So hard to believe, I thought I had another couple of weeks for until Thanksgiving then I looked at the calendar and its next week! We, of course, very excited for our trip to the mountains and to see everyone again!

I love Thanksgiving! There will be lots of yummy food and leftovers. I think the leftover turkey and ham for sandwiches are probably my favorite part!

And the fun AFTER thanksgiving, CHRISTMAS!!! I have to say, I am usually the person who does not start Christmas things until after Thanksgiving but this year was different. The Elf on the Shelf appeared at the beginning of November, Santa already got his letter AND replied to Gavin, Gavin has been watching the movie Santa Paws for about two weeks and I stopped the radio station the other day when The Chipmunks song, Please Christmas Don't be Late came on! I immediately switched it after the song was over but that along with "Please Come Home for Christmas" and "Santa Baby" are my favorites!!! I blame all of this Christmas spirit on Gavin!! He gets so excited when he sees lights, christmas trees, inflatable Santas, etc. that it is contagious!

I know I said this last year and I will probably say it again next year when J&K are older and have an idea of what the holidays are about but this Christmas is going to be fun!!!!

Boys are waking up from naps, let the craziness begin! The quiet time was nice...I tried to nap since I didn't sleep last night due to a lovely sinus infection but I can't stop coughing to sleep. I went to doc today and they gave me an antibiotic so hopefully it kicks in quickly!

1 comment:

  1. Ugh! You didn't tell me you were sick :( Let me know if YOU need anything! I'm excited for Xmas this year too. Our elf needs to appear soon!!
