Friday, November 18, 2011

Did you see that mom at the mall?!?!?

No? Ok good, then the authorities were not contacted. I was that mom with the 3 year old having a full out meltdown in from Target to H&M as we made our way to the car. About a 5 minute walk. But I will tell you how we got to this point first.

We had a great morning! Gavin is in one of his 'good' phases. Since turning 3 y/o he has 'good' and 'bad' phases :-P This week has been good, thankfully! Last week...not so much. So after J&K took their morning nap we set off to meet Marcin at the mall for some pictures with Santa. Gavin has been saying all week that he wanted to go visit Santa. We weren't too sure if he really knew what he was in for and if he would in fact want to sit on Santa's lap and talk to him. J&K....we definitely didn't know how they would react. Gavin's first visit to Santa when he was their age was fine, he didn't mind it.
We got to the mall and Gavin was so cute! He was super excited to see Santa and all the things in the mall. He used to spend alot of time at the mall when he was younger but well, I just don't get there as often with all 3 kids. I don't think I need to explain the reason for this :-P

We found Santa and Gavin immediately waved at Santa. There was no line, thank goodness! ( I had some other places I was hoping to get to while we were there!) So we got the babies out of the stroller and began walking over to Santa. Gavin was perfectly fine with it. He let Santa pick him up and put him on his lap. Gavin then proceeded to ask Santa if he was building his drum set and when he would get it :-P That is really all Gavin was concerned about it.....that drum set! Then we decided to 'try' and get a picture with all the boys. As soon as I put them on Santa's lap, J&K started crying and squirming! Santa had a good grip and no one fell. The picture is classic, we are always going to get a good laugh out of this one!

So then a friend of mine text me that she was at the play area by Target. We were on our way to Target so Gavin could look at the toys...he loves to go to stores and just look. Seriously, he knows that we won't be bringing it home :-P J&K were ready to get out of stroller anyways and the area is pretty well contained so I could easily keep my eye on all three without stressing out too much......My heart always stops for a few seconds when I can't immediately see all of them at once, sheesh.

The boys had a great time playing! J&K little faces just lit up when I put them down. They had a blast playing with all the kids! I just don't get out with J&K to do those types of things too often. It just isn't easy for me to do by myself. I feel like J&K get enough social interaction with each other and Gavin. We do playdates but that's it for now. Gavin had fun too, he had  little friend he made who told him it wasn't time for him to go home yet :-P I then used almost an entire bottle of santizer and container of wipes cleaning everyones hands! I am not a big germophobe but indoor playplaces are just a breeding ground for germs, EW!

I told Gavin that we were going to get ready to leave when my phone beeps (I do this often, he seems tro transition from different activities this way) because we need to get home for naps. He says that's ok. He keep talking about seeing something being built. I have no clue what he is talking was one of two things, he either wanted to go back to Build a Bear or he wanted to see the bulldozers working around the mall. I am not sure, I never found out because as soon as we got to the door to the parking lot....he lost it. Full out meltdown tantrum mode. J&K are calmly sitting in stroller eating a snack. Gavin is laid out on the dirty floor, screaming " NO NO NO NO NO NO" I count to 10 to give myself a minute to chill out because I am not sure what to do. He will not come with me, he was pretty adamant about staying right there. So I walked away to the bench outside. Relax...I could still see him :-P So he came outside and fell out again, more screaming. Hmmmmm....he wouldn't hold my hand to walk, he wouldn't let me carry him....he refused everything. And forget listening, that was not happening!

Gavin has never behaved this way while we are out in public, so I am still perplexed on what the best course of action is here. He was screaming and refusing to move. Thankfully he wasn't running around like a maniac...there were cars driving around. We had about a 5 minute walk to the seemed like hours as we were walking lol

My first thought is that I need to keep us all safe and I can't do that if he won't hold my hand. So the only, safe way I could get him to the car was carrying him like a football! I picked him up around the waist and carried him sideways like a football all the way to the car. The entire time he is still screaming. He was so wound up, he couldn't calm down if a drum set was placed directly in front of him right then and there. There is no reasoning with him when he gets like this, so I just ignored it. Plus I didn't want to reinforce the behavior by reacting. I just wanted to get to car! We walked by Target, Cheesecake Factory, Barnes & Noble, Forever 21, H&M....people were staring but what could I do? I was not going to be that person screaming at their kid in the mall parking lot. I thought for sure someone was whipping out their cell to call child services! J&K were still calmly sitting in stroller watching the cars.

We FINALLY get back in the car. It seems as though a switch has been turned off, Gavin stops screaming. He looks at me and says 'Mom, are you sad?" I said, "yes I am super sad because you are not being a good listener." He says "I give you a kiss and you will be happy?" (this usually works but not this time!) I told him that I would have to think about it on the way home. He didn't talk all the way home. Then we get out of the car and he gives me a huge hug and 'lots of kisses,' while asking me "Are you happy now Mom?" darn cute kid....yes :-P

I can't wait for this phase with twins! Are you sensing the sarcasm here?! ;-)

Thankfully we got home and all the boys went to sleep. A much needed relaxing, quiet afternoon :-) Date night tonight with Marcin! Let's hope Gavin sleeps off all his crankiness!

1 comment:

  1. oooooooh boy. that sounds like a FABulous outting. sigh. but ADORABLE pic with santa. hehe.
