Friday, November 30, 2012

Noted-I need to SLOW down

 I screwed up....I have been in the process of getting school apps together to apply to various Kindergartens for Gavin. In my usual Type A way, I had all apps together and in order that they were due. One of the important ones was 2nd to last because it was due 12/21. In my was 12/21. Wednesday, i went to website to check that i had all the paperwork i needed to submit app. Website informed me that open registration was closed. WHAT!!? My heart did i miss this?! i never miss things like this, the closing date was not until 12/21. was 11/21. wth?:/ I still submitted app but Gavin wont be in the lottery, just waiting list AFTER lottery. We had a very slim chance to begin with but now we have zero.

I was pissed, Marcin was upset. It was a mistake but not one I would normally make. I realized that i need to slow down. Life is busy enough as a family of 5 with just the day to day things....add preschool, outside activities, speech therapies, drum lessons, life events,etc and you have a lot going on.

Clearly I'm spreading myself too thin. On an average day i have a difficult time remembering things or putting coherent sentences together but when life gets hectic, i have more issues remembering. I am well aware the my, eh hem, age does not help things. So i decided to take a step back and prioritize a little better. The holidays probably aren't the ideal time to do this but I am. Every holiday i'm cooking and baking like crazy to ship it all out to family & friends. Just last week I was thinking about this and wondering how on earth I was going to accomplish it this year....there just isnt enough time. After this incident, I simply decided I wouldn't be able to. The stress, time and my sanity wont survive it:-P Plus the boys are having a great time with the holiday season...i want to enjoy every minute of it! So if you were looking forward to my zucchini bread & other goodies this year, I apologize but maybe it will come next year:)

I'm going to stay home more often during week. This can be challenging with 3 energetic boys but it needs to happen. Not only does this allow me to spend more down time with boys but i spend less ( marcin will love this! ha!) but it gives me an opportunity to get more done around the house like the never ever ever ever ever ending laundry. Seriously, i cannot keep up. i hate it and i need to get
over it because it's only going to get worse lol

I need to start meal planning so dinners are taken care weekly and im not stressing at 4:00 what im going to cook.

I need to put my phone down. Jakob brought me my phone the other day.... another sign. This means even my 2 year old has picked up on how often i have my phone:(

I need to stop worrying about cleaning.... the mess will still be there in 30 minutes after im done watching Gavin's 'show' :)

I have more ideas on my mind but I'm thinking i should start with baby steps. Lets face it, my Type A self only allows so much lol I will be utilizing my phone calendar...yes this means using my phone but i need to remember things. I should probably add Gingko to my morning vitamin/supplements:-) Lesson learned...

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