Saturday, November 17, 2012

I am in love with a vacuum...

A few months ago Marcin and I were at Kenny's Asian restaurant. I had one martini type drink and with my zero tolerance, let's just say its a good thing I was not driving, sheesh ( LIGHT WEIGHT!). So we are finishing up our dinner and a server comes by to clean under the tables. He was using some sort of light vacuum. I stopped him and inquired what this wonderful product was and then declared I needed one right then! The server thought this was funny....Marcin did too and was making fun of me for not getting out more and the fact that I couldn't stop talking about this little vacuum/sweeper thingie. In my world, it is the little things :-)

I am forever sweeping or vacuuming our house, especially the first floor. The boys just leave a path of crumbs and dirt as they walk, even if they aren't eating or wearing shoes. By the end of the day, I would have swept at least 3 times and maybe one more time before I go to bed. So when I discovered this little vacuum.....I immediately got on Amazon to see what was available.

I found this and it is aaaaaaaamazing :-)

It is the perfect height instead of bending over constantly to sweep and it can get all the edges and some corners because it has the little spinner brushes on the front corners to catch things. I can use it on the hardwood and carpet! So instead of bringing out the big vacuum, I can do a quick sweep over things downstairs which can buy me at least a week or two until I need the bigger vacuum for a good vacuuming!

Possibly the best thing of all with this cute little sweeper....the boys love it! Seriously, they fight over whose turn it is. When they make a mess on the floor, we just have to ask them to go get the vacuum and clean it up. Believe it or not, they listen!!! I am certain this will not continue forever so we are enjoying this little slice of heaven while it last!

It is easy for them to turn on and manuever, WOOT!!!

This is for all the strangers who tell me repeatedly how my house will never be clean again having three boys in my house.....TAKE THAT! LOL

So if you are wondering what to add to your Christmas list....this, you need this!

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