Thursday, November 8, 2012


Adding these to my ever growing list of why I strongly dislike cold weather, hmph. I realized the other day that I didn't really mind so much all the laundry I was doing over the summer. Then it began to get cold outside and we all needed shoes that required SOCKS. They have always annoyed me with their disappearing act somewhere btw the laundry basket, washer, dryer and their home in our dressers.

With our 3 boys, its like they are in on a conspiracy with the socks!! Seriously! I put them on them when I dress them in the morning....within 5 minutes they are ripped off! Jakob is the champion at taking his off first, hmph. Inevitably this leads to socks all over the house....upstairs, family room, basement, pantry, trash, refrigerator. Anywhere is a 'good' place for socks to be. I try my best to pick up socks and put in laundry room before they are dispersed but as you all know "I've got my hands full!" so it doesn't always happen right away.

I also don't like matching the socks. I tried to make it a fun game for Gavin so he could find all the matches for me...he wasn't having it. Not interested, hmph. That's fine for now....he has the rest of his life to put socks away. I have 3 more loads of laundry to finish up today and I can count on there being a basket full of socks to match, ugh.

It would be grand (and ideal) if I could somehow manage to complete 1-2 loads of laundry a day....when I say complete I mean wash/dry/fold/put away. Thank god for the extra rinse cycle on washer and the 'touch up' cycle on the dryer :-P

I need to learn to build a bridge with this one though because laundry is only going to get worse with 3 growing silly boys!

Speaking of silly boys...Kaleb is cracking us up!!! He will now pretty much repeat anything we say and he says it so clearly!! Last night I excitedly (and sarcastically) said after they were finished watching Little Einsteins it was BEDTIME!!! Kaleb shouts, "BEDTIME"He said something else that Marcin had said, I can't remember but he is just too funny! Jakob is watching and imitating Kaleb which is fantastic for his speech! not so much for his physicality. Kaleb is very agile and not much deters him from jumping off the couch "big jump!" he will say. Mind normally IS a big jump, one that makes my heart skip a beat because I feel like it is too high. Not for Kaleb. Kaleb will land on his feet softly like a cat or roll into the fall. Jakob does not lol If we don't make a big deal out of it, he doesn't either but my goodness that child is going to have a lot of emergency room visits lol Poor kid seems to have inherited his mama's gracefulness ;-)


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