Thursday, July 7, 2011

Reason # 1,257 I love Chik Fila :-D

The Chik Fil A by our house has an indoor play place and it is small enough (and safe!) that I can take all the boys there with no stress = one of our favorite places!

I have always loved this place, the chicken sandwiches, polynesian sauce, service, cleanliness and then the one by us opened with an A/C indoor play place.....perfect for hot/humid or cold days.

Today we all went because Gavin has been asking all week to go inside at 'Red Chicken' so he can go down the slide and eat :-) So we did.

As I am unloading everyone out of car (10minute process :-P), the manage walks up to me and says he wants to get my opinion on something. He goes onto to explain a new idea/service they are starting on Monday called "Mom Valet." He wanted to know if it something I would be interesting in and if I would use it.

Mom Valet would be where I can drive thru, place my order, pay for my order AND tell them how many in our party, how many high chairs I need AND THEN....they will prepare a table for us. I can park car, come inside and it will all be set up.

THIS IS FABULOUS!!!! Seriously....anything that makes life easier when going out with the boys is wonderful in my book!!!! I won't have to take the double stroller inside (Which takes up so much space and maneuvering) and I know J&K will be happier to be able to sit in high chair so they can see everything.

Now if only the Post Office and grocery stores would have drive thru options, my world would be perfect LOL Seriously....wouldn't it be wonderful to just drive thru at the grocery store when you just need a gallon of milk? ESPECIALLY during winter when it is cold/rainy/snowy and you don't want to get everyone out of the car?

Day 3 for my healthy habits goal:

Not much to report. Obviously no weight loss in 3 days :-P I have been making better food choices, smaller portions and eating more often during day.

Yesterday I had half english muffin for breakfast, a slice of turkey bacon, one egg and a banana. Snack was a protein shake (eh), lunch was half turkey sandwich with the Special K cracker chips (They aren't bad, they serve purpose of satisfying my crunchy, salt snack), cherries and low fat cheese stick for afternoon snack. One small taco for dinner....honestly not satisfying at all. I was hungry an hour later. Next time will have to add more veggies. So after kids were in bed, I had couple pieces of pork tenderloin and some broccoli.

Off to a good start, don't you think?

And today....I had ONE french fry at chik fila. Don't judge.....that was a lot of self control!

All the boys are in bed, so I am going to get on treadmill. I was looking back at my old work out routine book (yes I used to keep a log and write down my work outs/weights/reps, etc.) and my goodness I was so strong, for me. Not compared to my super strong husband who can bench press his body weight ::hi honey::
I can't believe I could do some of that stuff....I really want to get there again.


  1. which Chik Fil A is this? Sounds amazing!!

  2. Your too cute, in Florida they have drive thru conviencine stores, for milk, eggs, etc. Wish they had them everywhere!!
