Monday, July 18, 2011

Potty 'training' Day 1

It sucks. Plain and simple...I thought I knew how hard it would be, I had no idea. Sort of like you think you know what to expect while you are pregnant and then baby gets here and you realize you had no idea, yeah...something like that. At least for us. I have decided that while Gavin is a great kid, he is also very stubborn and set in his ways. Not only that but why fix it if it's not broken...diapers are working just fine for him :-P

We prepped him all week last week that after his birthday party when he turns 3 years old, diapers were going bye bye. So this morning he woke up, used the potty and put on underwear. Marcin took a big bag of diapers to work for the babies that needed them. And ::patting myself on the back:: I stuck to it all day, no diapers. It was a long day but darn it, I did it!

The morning was pretty good....he used potty 3 times before accident. The 2nd accident he was not happy to be wet, this was progress. So I was feeling good about things. My goal was to stay away from anything diaper related, including pull ups. Gavin thinks they are swim I figured this was another added reason to stay away. My friend had told me about SuperUndies. Originally I purchased these expensive things to take with us on long car trips (we had planned to start PT'ing before our vaca but decided against it)BUT when I was trying to figure out how to avoid pull-ups, I remembered I had these and they would be PERFECT for naps and bedtime. Not a diaper and look like underwear but are a little absorbent and I won't be changing sheets a million times a week :-P

While the SuperUndies weren't cheap, I have a feeling we would have spent just as much if not more on Pull- Ups, those are not cheap either!

After nap time was a nightmare. Gavin was running to hide to pee or poop : / And freaking out every time I put him on potty. Screaming, crying, yelling, throwing name it. It wasn't pretty. I cried...he cried. Super I doing the right thing? Am I pushing this too soon? Will he have bed wetting issues later on? Is this going to continue until he decides he is 'ready?' do kids really just wake up and decide they want to use the potty?

He was refusing to use the potty at all and no longer cared that his underwear was wet. hmmm....this appeared to be a step back from the morning. Then I guess his bladder couldn't take it anymore and he almost made it to the potty....big mess on the floor by the potty but it was the right room. I view this as progress. (hey...I am know I am grabbing at strings here, but give me a little. It's been a long day!)

He gets one M&M for trying/sitting on potty. And FOUR if he pees or poops on potty.

Will this work? I have no idea. But I hate to tell Gavin, I am just as stubborn as he is so we are going to continue this for the week. If by Friday we have no progress, back to diapers we go. Hopefully it won't come to that but I can't handle this, take care of J&K and stay just wouldn't work :-P

I had an entire cute blog about his birthday but I will have to post that later, I started it but not finished. I needed to get this out. It has been a long, frustrating day but we are not giving up.....yet :-) Wish us luck and please pray for me from 8-5 while Marcin is not home LOL

Good thing the bar is stocked up pretty well.... I am going to need it!

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