Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Day 1.....

 I need someone or a blog to hold me responsible for not taking good care of myself. And feel free to call me out if you see me putting anything bad in my mouth to eat. The only two exceptions for this are the boy's birthday parties, those I can eat what I want :-)

I have got to get serious with this weight loss and put forth my full effort instead of 50%. After seeing the pictures from our vacation, it hit me. This is NOT what I am happy with, period. The most frustrating part is I know what I need to do, I know about portions sizes and healthy eating ( I minored in Health!!!)  but my days go by in a blur and the next thing I know I am going to sleep for the night. I don't make the healthiest choices because I forget to eat or I need something quickly. Which neither is good for metabolism...I  need to eat small healthy snacks/meals throughout day to keep my metabolism going. I am not doing that.

And I am not exercising like I should. Again I know what to do, RRRR!!!!!! I have the weights and treadmill downstairs, no excuse ( well besides 4 boys to take care of) BUT I need to take care of me and feel good about me! Not only that but when I was working out consistently, I had MORE energy! If you know Gavin, this is crucial to have! LOL and with two more right behind him...I need all the energy I can get! And I know once I get in the habit, it will just become part of my daily routine...like it used to be.

Even knowing all this....it is still hard. Life gets in the way. I would rather play with the boys, hang out with Marcin or something else comes up. Regardless, I need to do this.

So this is officially day 1. If you want to join me and be my work out buddy or healthy eating buddy to share good food ideas...that would be great! I need all the help I can get!

I plan to schedule the tummy tuck for february, that gives me 7 months to get the rest of my body in better shape not only for me but to prepare for the surgery.

Marcin and I were figuring out when I could get on treadmill during week. Yes this simple activity takes advance planning at our house. I went for a stroller walk this morning with J&K while Marcin stayed at house with Gavin and got ready for work. I need to start making my lunch and snacks in advance so they are there and ready for me to grab. I need to drink more water. I don't drink alot during day...again I get busy and forget :-P

My goal for this month is 5lbs. That is not huge but a good starting point. If I lose 5 pounds a month in next 7 months, that would put me at minus 35lbs. That would be good :-) HELP ME!!!!!

Ciocia~ you can help me by coming to get this ice cream cake OUT of the freezer!!!!! lol


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Feel free to trash the cake. God knows I don't need it. I know you can do anything you put your mind to so by Feb you will not even need any surgery because you will be one skinny Minnie. I would love to say – I am here for you… but….. someone who has (on continues bases for the last 13 years) 30 lb to loose and someone who has no will power what so ever, is not exactly a great support person. Good Luck! You can do it! Just wait for J &K to start walking and you weight will be melting in the middle of winter.

  3. Ive been off my routine fir two weeks and i feel nasty. Im with you on desperately wanting and needing to lose weight. Ive been back to prebaby but i want to loose atleast 25+ lbs to get back to my pre thyroid weight. So far its been hard. I was workung out esting right and drinking tons of water and not loosing. I need to find something to "shock" by body in to gear lol. Im gonna try the jillian michaels workout 30 day shred. I just got it via recommendation off amazon. So we will see
