Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Mom of the Year! Yep...that's me :-P

I really needed to clean out my car from our vacation road trip...there were crumbs, sands, etc. in there. Yesterday I planned to vacuum and wipe everything down while J&K napped. Gavin likes to piddle around the garage, cut grass with his lawn mower or play with the radio in the car. AND burn some of his crazy amount of energy....this is crucial! lol

Please envision....I had all the swagger wagon doors open, finished vacuuming and I was between the 2nd and 3rd rows cleaning. The swagger wagon doesn't use a key in the ignition, it is a push button. Gavin has learned that if he pushes the button once, the radio will come on. You have to press the brake pedal and the start button to start the engine. So the car wasn't fully started, just the radio on. Gavin was in the front seat changing the radio stations and opening/closing the sunroof. Then I looked up to check on him and it felt like the car was moving.

{If you haven't been to our house, the driveway has a slight slope going down.}

Sure enough....the car is moving forward. Somehow within 2-3 seconds Gavin managed to push the brake pedal AND shift the car into neutral. And as you can imagine, the swagger wagon was ROLLING DOWN OUR DRIVEWAY AND INTO THE STREET! I am scrambling to get to the front of the car to get the brake or emergency brake while Gavin is scared to death because he knows this shouldn't be happening. At the same time, various scenarios are playing out in my head and I am praying there is no car coming down the street. I know the street is level and thankfully the driveway across the street from us goes up at an incline so the swagger wagon had its fun and stopped.

OH MY GOD! I had a mild heart attack and REALLY needed a drink at 9:30 in the morning.

My heart is racing just writing this. When I think of all the other ways this could have gone, I thank God that we were kept safe and nothing happened to Gavin and myself. And the car too....although I am little upset with the swagger wagon. With all that technology in that car and it couldn't tell difference who was in drivers seat?! lol just kidding...it doesn't do that :-P

So needless to say, Gavin will NOT allowed in the front of the car anymore. When he was 1.5 he got locked in Marcin's work car while we were cleaning snow off the car. I was also terrified then and prepared to break the window to get in and get him out! Luckily, after telling Gavin ( who is pleased as punch sitting in the car pushing all buttons, looking up at smiling at us and waving) a million times to push the unlock button.....he accidentally pushed the button to roll window down and I shoved my hand in there so fast and unlocked the car :-P

Gavin LOVES to play in the car.....it is a dream come true for him because there are 'butts' (buttons) galore, lights. There should be a kid car museum because Gavin would want to go there everyday!

I think I might go have that drink now after reliving this experience......


  1. Good God he keeps you on your toes! I didn't remember him locking himself in the car too! Geesh! He's just warming you up for the twins I think ;)

  2. I know you told me this but reading it makes it all more real! Thank goodness you reacted quick as always! You could be on to something with your car museum! I know we would visit it!
