Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day 8....

Weight Loss = 1.5lbs

This is my weekly 'goal' so I will take it. It doesn't seem like much but it's a start!

I had a cheat day yesterday and we ordered Papa John's for dinner, YUMMY! I still only had 2 slices....ok really 2.5 slices, I had half of Gavin's :-P Ever since I moved to Delaware everyone talks about Grotto's, Season's and Pat's pizza as being fabulous pizza...I am not a fan. PaPa John's anyday...that garlic sauce is fantastic AND I didn't have any yesterday. I that must count for something right?!

My friend suggested I use to keep track of things and I love it! It is a free app on my phone (which I said I didn't need...who knew?! But that is another story for later). It is great for keeping track of my calories and exercise. And at the end of every day when I finish logging for the day, it tells me what I should weigh in 5 weeks if I continue that trend. I like that!

I am making sure to eat throughout the day. Usually I forget and then eat portions that are too large. So I have been having breakfast, snack, lunch, snack and dinner. Occasionally I will have snack before bed...I cannot sleep if I am hungry. It just doesn't work for me.

Exercise (Besides chasing after THREE mobile children) = 30 minutes speed walking WITH 4lb weights in hand.

My muscles hurt...I LOVE that feeling when my muscles hurt. It reminds that they are still there LOL Next week I plan to start adding in some walking lunges and more weight training. I plan to start out slow because I am very much out of shape :-( More muscle = more fat burned when I am just sitting still. Can't beat that!

So my phone story..last month my phone kept freezing or turning off for no reason. It is Verizon and the phone was a couple years old so it was time for a new one. BUT I did not want the $30 data package plan. I kept saying I would not use my phone for all that stuff, I didn't need it! Ideally Verizon should let the customer choose the size of the data plan they want. Not everyone wants to use the full capability of a smart phone. So I initially bought a phone that had a $10 data package plan thinking that would be fine. And the phone was fine except it did not have video. I take a lot of short videos of the kids so I NEEDED video. Marcin suggested I look at bill to see if we were using all of our minutes because he didn't think we were. Sure enough, I checked... we were using about 500 of our 1400 minute plan. GEEZ! So I decreased plan and got a 'smart' phone. A friend of mine told me when I was complaining about the data package that I would use it if I had it. I said no..I don't need all that. She was right :-P I really like some of the apps and games. Gavin can play the games and it takes great videos.

I am still a little perturbed about the whole data package thing though.

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