Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy 10 months to J&K!! And Happy 4th!!

{I started this over weekend but no time to finish LOL}

Jakob and Kaleb are 10 months...I ask again, how is that possible?! They are so funny with their developing personalities. And we love to watch all 3 boys interact together, they are the cutest and challenging at the same time:-D

Jakob officially started crawling July 3 which is funny to me because Gavin took his first steps on July 4, hehe! And Jakob figured it out a lot faster than Kaleb! Kaleb was rocking on all 4's for at least a month before he started moving limbs, even now he does a lazy crawl moving just one leg and dragging the other :-P The week before our vacation Jakob figured out how to get on all 4's. Then suddenly his is putting himself in sitting position and then we get back and he was crawling! AH! He is so cute though! We love it!
He is also trying to pull himself up. He has really strong legs and is pretty steady if we put him somewhere to stand but it seems like his top half of his body isn't as strong as the bottom half.
Jakob loves to laugh and bury his face in your shoulder. Changing that child's clothes is like trying to dress to a greased pig....he wiggles all.over.the.place!
He is babbling and trying new foods all the time! We lovingly call him 'the bird' because he already has his mouth open before I have the food ready! We aren't sure where he puts it all but he eats ALOT!
I wonder if Jakob will be the first to walk?!

Kaleb has become quite the mommy's boy! If he doesn't see me, he is ok. But if he sees me, he will drop what he is doing, crawl over (while whining) until he get to my legs and then will pull himself up or put up his arms to pick him up. SO CUTE!!!! well not by the end of the day when Gavin is running wild and jakob needs me too but actually...yes cute all the same :-)
Kaleb is good at pulling himself up! But he isn't quite sure how to get back down and he lets us know when he is ready to get back down lol
He likes to say 'mamamamamam' or 'babababab' but not with any meaning. Marcin is trying hard with both to get them to say 'dada' or 'tata' hehe

J&K together are hilarious! If Kaleb is sitting in front or beside Jakob, Jakob will reach out and pull Kaleb down and try to take a bit out of whatever is closest LOL And then Gavin gets in the mix and they are all so silly! I can't wait for them all to really play together! I am sure there will be some fighting but there will be good moments as well!

For the 4th of July, I asked my dad and Gay to bring some fireworks to the beach so we would have some for our house. We have never taken Gavin to see fireworks...it just hasn't worked out and honestly, I don't want to deal with a cranky child that late at night :-P So we had family over for more yummy food, geez :-) And did a few fireworks. Gavin was good with the Snap n Pops, sprinklers ( aka Sparklers), smoke bombs, snakes and party poppers. But once the larger came out that whistled and cracked really loudly....he ran in the house crying. Needless to say, I would guess we haven't missed anything by not taking him to see fireworks since he was terrified last night :-P And the poor kid stepped on a couple of hot embers from the sprinklers and burnt his foot :-( Lesson learned: no sprinklers without shoes on.
He did enjoy watching them from the window INSIDE the house. But then Marcin decided it was best to put them away because they were hitting our house and neighbors (who thankfully didn't notice hehe). Jakob and Kaleb slept through it all (thank goodness for noise machines turned to full blast!)

we had a great day with everyone!!!

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