Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Easter!!!

We are having a great Easter weekend so far! Unfortunately due to weather we had to do our easter egg hunt indoors but Gavin had fun hiding them...then Marcin and Jakob went off in search of them all while Gavin ran off to do something else. What? I was surprised he even hid them all before running off...his attention span is very short LOL

There will be no Easter Bunny pics with my our boys. The Easter Bunny is just creepy....I always have to wonder who is behind that costume :-P Could be a perfectly nice person but still....just creepy :-P When and if the boys ever ask us to go see the Easter Bunny, we will be happy to take them :-)

Sometimes Santa is creepy too...I am trying to single out the Easter Bunny, just saying :-P
Here are some pics from our weekend so far!

Dying some eggs....he was amused until he learned he had to wait for them to turn color lol

Marcin and Jakob on egg hunt!
I was trying to get pic with all 3...but they did NOT want to cooperate, silly boys :-P

see?!?! still not much fun these boys:-)

my goodness I love this face so much!

1 comment:

  1. Who couldn't love that smiling face! All three boys are just wonderful! It is so great watching them all turn into big "little guys"!
