Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Sick Babies :-(

Last week everyone got sick! Gavin started coughing Wednesday, Kaleb started Thursday and Jakob started Friday.
I took Gavin and Kaleb to doc on Friday but I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to take all three by myself so I figured whatever G&K had, Jakob probably did too and I would take him back if necessary :-P

The nurse practitioner determined it was probably just a cold but to call if the babies started wheezing. Jakob started wheezing Monday followed by Kaleb today. So off to the doctor we went....the doctor said most likely RSV that we could do official tests to make diagnoses but it wouldn't make a difference in treatment.

Jakob was wheezing the worst so he got a breathing treatment first while we were at doc office. While Jakob was getting his treatment, Kaleb was laying on the exam table by me making googly eyes, smiling and being his cute self :-) Then his eye lids got really heavy and then.....

Kaleb fell asleep LOL I have said since they were a couple weeks old that Kaleb was my 'sleep anywhere' baby :-) Gavin was never like that..would rarely sleep while we were out in his stroller or carseat. He only like to sleep in his crib. Jakob is not like this either...he likes to sleep in his crib.

And here is sweet Jakob...he of course had to be rocked in his carseat lol He is a bit more a busy body than Kaleb and has to see what is going on all.the.time!

So keep us in your prayers for the boys to get better!! They are happy sick babies and hanging in there! We have to do neubulizer for a few days and some steriods :-)

I need to go stock on some wine or maybe beer? something! lol


  1. i hope the boys get better ASAP!! I really hope it's NOT RSV! are they going to do the synagis vaccinations? HUGS! hope you are hanging in there! thinking of you guys! keep us posted! OH and love the pic of kaleb! too cute!

  2. Jennie~ no they aren't getting the vaccine. It was just released last summer and I don't feel comfortable with it until more research is done & published.

  3. i didn't realize it was a newer vaccine... i don't blame you!! glad they are doing better!
