Friday, January 21, 2011

Laundry...who wears all these clothes?!

I seriously feel like we do laundry every day! I am either bringing it down, taking it up, procrastinating because I don't feel like taking it out of dryer and folding lol

And I do the kids laundry the do 3 little people have so many dirty clothes?!

I cannot imagine the laundry as they get older and start playing sports, oh my!

Between laundry and keeping enough food in the house for FOUR oh my! I REALLY need to get started on my coupons...I keep talking about it and thinking about it but I get overwhelmed when I look at websites but then when I look in paper, there is rarely a coupon for a product I use. Not to be picky but some brands of some foods, I just don't like. I prefer others....

Well I should probably go fold the laundry *sigh*

1 comment:

  1. i feel like i wash baby clothes all the time but with 3 kids! WHEW! hope you have stock in TIDE!
