Tuesday, January 18, 2011


HA! not now :-P A year ago we found we would be adding another little Michalski to our family...little did we know that in a couple weeks we would find out we were actually adding TWO little Michalski's to our family! Whew...what an adventure that was :-)

Even though it was just last year...that pregnancy seems so long ago. Probably because I try to block out most of it since it was such a hard pregnancy. Like nothing I ever imagined..I knew a twin pregnancy would be tough but nothing like that. And compared to others I have talked to and seen on multiple boards...mine was pretty easy. And blessed that I carried Baby A (Kaleb) and Baby B (Jakob) until almost 37 weeks :-)

I've got lots to do while Gavin is napping so I will have to reflect on that another time :-) Be careful with all the snow and ice!

1 comment:

  1. Okay...I definitely gasped when I read your title! What a difference a year makes huh? How blessed you are!
