Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sleep "training"

So life with 3 under 3 is definitely interesting...its exciting, challenging, stressful, fabulous and crazy all at the same time! Never a dull moment in our house :-)

I have been waiting for the twins to turn 4 months because at that point I am comfortable letting them 'sleep train' aka cry it out and learn to put themselves to sleep for naps/bedtime.

So I have been stressing over this since they were born...Gavin was a great napper and night time sleeper once I finally figured out his sleepy cues and how often he needed a nap. A friend had suggested I read "Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Child" It  was very boring and dry but had good information. However it got to a part where it said to let baby cry...and I was outraged! I couldn't let my first born child cry by himself in his crib! I immediately put the book down refusing to do what I just read. Another month went by of Gavin only napping his swing, us rocking him all the time only for him to wake up when laid down in his crib, no naps at all, etc. It was AWFUL! I went to get my hair cut and my hairdresser who had 3 boys asked me if I had read the book, I said yes but I can't let him cry! She said she didn't read the book with her first son and he is an awful sleeper but she read it with her youngest two and they were great sleepers. At this point, I was desperate lol So I decided...I CAN DO THIS! I did it and while it was difficult, completely worth it! I knew it was important for Gavin to learn how to put himself to sleep and how else could he learn unless I gave him the opportunity?

So when the twins were 4 months...I second guessed myself. Maybe they weren't ready yet, should I wait? They had been napping in their bouncy seats and weren't taking very good naps in them anymore so I thought it was definitely time to move naps to cribs but could they put themselves to sleep? I decided to try Kaleb first...he did it, no problem! A few days later, I let Jakob try....a little more of a challenge but it has been a week and he is getting the hang of it :-)

But they both started out doing what Gavin always did...40 minutes on the dot and they are awake. It seems to be the end of their sleep cycle and until they learn to sooth themselves through that sleep cycle, they will continue to wake after 40 minutes...this means LOTS of trips up and down the stairs for me LOL But I do give them at least 10-15 minutes to try and go back to sleep. Kaleb can get through it and Jakob sometimes but at least they are learning :-)

No paci's, no swaddles....just their nap routines every hour to one and half hours and they go to sleep. Did I mention how nice this is? and less stressful? And I get my exercise going up and down the stairs :-P Can't beat that!

Another plus to them not only getting better rest in their cribs...I get some one on one time with Gavin which I love! I miss that time with him. I wouldn't trade my life for anything but it was quite a transition going from one child to three....we will save that discussion for another day :-)

I remember when I was pregnant...Marcin and I would always talk about what a great laidback baby Gavin was and what were the chances of the twins being the same? We were pretty sure it was slim to none but we were wrong...Jakob and Kaleb are so much fun! They are healthy, happy, laidback and seem to be on their way to being good sleepers too. We are truly blessed with our family :-)

1 comment:

  1. I'm hoping brayden does just as well as the boys with his sleep training! one month to go! the paci and rocking is definitely his sleep/nap crutch. but it's a work in progress!
