Monday, January 17, 2011

4 month wakeful period or 4 month sleep regression...whatever! my child isn't sttn anymore! lol

Jakob and Kaleb got two of their 4 month shots last Wednesday. Ever since Jakob started waking at night...not at same time, sometime 10:00 or 12:30 or 3. I have been racking my brain and overanalyzing everything....should we let him cio? is he hungry? growth spurt? too cold? too hot? side effect of vax? I could NOT figure it out! His naps were also different too and neither Marcin or myself could figure out why :-P

Then suddenly this morning BEFORE my first cup of coffee...I remembered friends mentioning the 4 month wakeful period with their first born. Gavin never went through this and apparently Kaleb isn't either (knocking on LOTS of wood lol) so it didn't even occur to me!

For those that aren't familiar....the 4 month wakeful period usually occurs because babies start to be more alert, moving around more and just their development changes so quickly that it becomes hard for them to sleep because they would rather play. Some babies are rolling by now so they would rather practice their new skills than sleep...I remember Gavin did do this when he started rolling but the big lug didn't start that until about 6 months LOL

I am just happy to have thought of this....I am going to give him a few more days and start decreasing the amount he is eating when he wakes up to see if that helps. It might also be a growth spurt so I don't want to assume he isn't hungry when he could be.

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