Friday, December 2, 2011

TGIF and more ear infections :-P

So you all know that we aren't the healthiest bunch lately..I feel like there is something healthy people aren't telling me. I take my vitamins, the boys take their vitamins...I clean hands and anything else I can when we go out. Yet, we all still end up sick *sigh*

Gavin and myself went to the doctor Tuesday. My doctor gave me an antibiotic and cough suppressant with coedine (great stuff!!). The cough suppressant does not suppress my cough but it does knock me out so I can at least get some sleep! Gavin has a bad double ear infection...poor little guy. So he got a toddler z-pac for 5 days, let's hope that kicks it! If not, he will wait 5 days and do another 5 days! Take that germs!

Today I took Jakob and Kaleb to doctor. They are coughing, runny noses, not eating much, etc. This morning when I woke up, I thought maybe I should just reschedule their appt. for next week that may be I was overreacting and it was just a virus that needed to wear itself out. However, when Jakob woke up, his right ear was covered with dried up stuff and there was a strange liquid looking stuff coming out of it. I have been told that after kids get tubes, if they do get an ear infection that it should drain out. I wasn't sure what to look for besides something other than wax coming out the ear. This was more than wax coming out of Jakob's ear. So we kept the appt and we all went to the pediatrician with the ipad in tow to keep Gavin occupied while we waited :-P
Jakob has an ear infection in his right ear :-( Thankfully the tub is still in place and it is doing its job by allowing the pus to drain out but doctor explained that the things draining out can sometimes cause a blockage that creates pressure. He got some ear drops and antibiotic.
Kaleb has a sinus infection (read: a cold lasting longer than 2 weeks). So antibiotic for him too.

So we are all on antibiotics but Marcin :-P If this doesn't kick whatever is going on here, I don't know what else to do!!! Keep us in your prayers that we are all better soon!!

I have been looking forward to this weekend!!! Tonight I am meeting a friend that I haven't seen in a long time. We are going to grab a bite to eat and then go see Breaking Dawn. Yep you read that correctly, I am a Twilight fan.....TEAM JACOB!!! (And no, not because my son's name is Jakob!) I just think Jacob is less selfish than Edward. I always love to see how they create the books into real life...I completely expect the movie to be cheesy and dramatic, at least I hope it will be!!!

Tomorrow we are going to get a REAL Christmas tree!! Yep....Marcin came to my side. We are getting a real tree!! I am so excited to have that smell in the house! I love it!!!! There is a place right across the road from our neighborhood that sells trees for $30...any size! DEAL! I have my friend Kathleen to thank for telling me about this place. I have seen the signs but never payed very  much attention since we always have a fake tree. I drove by the other day and they have a lot of nice looking trees so I am sure we can find what we are looking for. I have always wanted a train set to go around the tree but with 3 little ones, I knew we couldn't have one of the nicer sets. It would get torn to pieces! Soooooo I had a credit on amazon and got the Geotrax Christmas train set :-)

Perfect for little hands and should be able to withstand their craziness. Usually we put the tree in the family room but I am pretty sure if we did that, Kaleb would find some way to climb it. So we are putting it in the dining room in the bay window. We put it there once before when Gavin was 1.5 y/o and it worked out well.
So Saturday will be Christmas decorating day!!!! :-D Gavin is really into Christmas this year and I have to say, it is rubbing off on me. Kids really give an entirely new perspective on things....I love it and reminds me of things that I had forgotten from when I was a kid at Christmas.

Then on Sunday I get to meet other friends for dinner at the Melting Pot...need I say more? Great company and yummy food, doesn't get much better than that!

Only 23 days til Christmas! AH!!! I am almost done with my Christmas cards :-) Then I will start baking and get things ready to ship out! While we were in the mountains, my step sister Katherine, who is an amazingly talented photographer took some family pics of us :-) I had wanted to get one for our Christmas card and she definitely helped us out with that!

Gavin taking advantage of a 'teachable moment' :-P

I love Gavin's smile in this one!

This is his 'ladies man' look lol

Christmas card pic? I'll have to see if Marcin approves :-P

love love this one! We have THREE kids!!! wow

need I say more? lol
Here are a few that she took :-)

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