Thursday, December 15, 2011

months of year, days of week, numbers!

I have to brag :-D Gavin knows the months of the year, days of the week and Marcin told me he could count to 40. I asked Gavin and sure enough, he did!!! Makes me so proud! It is so much fun watching him grow and learn. He is starting to pick up things like telling me, "MOM, I am serious!" Or if I ask him where something is, he will tell me, "It's probably over there."

I can't believe in just two short years (because I know they will fly by) that J&K will be talking and joking like Gavin is now. And Gavin will be 5.5 y/o....I can only imagine what he will be up to by then :-)

Some days these boys drive me crazy and I often think of the scene in Sex and The City movie where Charlotte is trying to bake with her oldest daughter and her youngest is screaming. She goes into the pantry to hide LOL I think she goes in there to cry....I am not crying but sometimes I do need a time out for myself. I remember this scene vividly because when I went to see the movie with some girlfriends, we had just found we were having twins. Slightly stressed :-P

A majority of the time, I watch our boys in amazement at the things they are learning, playing together, Jakob and Kaleb's personalities developing more and problem solving (read: Kaleb figuring out what else he can climb. Jakob being dramatic because it didn't go his way. Gavin having to have whatever someone else has). It is usually crazy at my house but I feel so blessed to have three healthy sons. I have to remind myself that they won't be this age for long and I need to slow down so I can enjoy them while they are little and still want to hang out with me :-)

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