Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, etc.

So yesterday I was chatting with Amazon customer service online because I was having issue returning item. The person signed off and said, 'Merry Christmas.' I was surprised by this since it seems the politically correct thing to say is "Happy Holiday" if you so choose to say anything at all. Then again at the mall last night, I would say 8 out of the 10 stores I went to wished me a merry christmas.

In my mind, I am not offended either way. We celebrate Christmas and the birth of Jesus. However you can wish me Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, etc. whatever you celebrate...I respect that. I don't understand why everyone can't just respect each other's holidays and move on. I could go on about this for a number of things that I just wish we could all be respectful of each others differences. In a perfect world, it may go that way but let's face it....this world is far from perfect. We will just try to teach the boys to respect others and learn to be leaders not followers.

Ok, stepping down from my pulpit LOL

On another note, I REALLY need to get more organized with my Christmas cards. I got a majority of them out and if I didn't get one to you, I do apologize. I tried but I have addresses all over the place and I need to just make a document of labels, put it in a Christmas storage bin so it is already there for next year and go about my way. That would be great to do...once I find some time. I was pretty proud of our Christmas cards this year. I made them :-) Each year I get overwhelmed looking at all the cards online and the costs. oh vey. we usually send out about 60 and once we are done picking them out, they cost way too much! And the postage is ridiculous! I may do postcards next year :-P So I decided to make our cards because 1) I enjoy doing that sort of thing 2) it saved us about $50 :-) It has been a sort of DIY Christmas around here, which is fun because this time last year.....I had NO time to do anything! So it is nice to do things now :-)

We are going to our lawyers office....again to hopefully finally close on our refinance. This has been in the works for over 6 weeks. We got a really rate (3.25) on a 15 year, so we are excited! This also means cutting back on the monthly expenses but if we stay in this house for duration of that loan....we will have our house paid off by the time boys start college. So it works out well :-) We went to lawyers last week only to find they needed to resend the papers back to underwrite. This has been quite the process since Wells Fargo cannot get their act together, ugh

A friend asked me yesterday how much weight I had lost. I then remembered that I haven't posted a weight loss update in a while :-P There isn't much to report this month LOL I have had way too many treats in my house but I have lost a total of 14 lbs since October 1 :-D That to me is progress!!! My old 'skinny' jeans are getting too big, love that! I haven't gained any weight this month but haven't lost..I will get back on track in the new year, you know...with the rest of the country LOL I also made another appointment with a plastic surgeon. I wanted to get a consult with a different doc just to see what he says. I am losing weight but the extra skin is awful. I hate looking at it and I figure it will only get worse the older I get :-P Marcin and I were talking because lately I was thinking I would wait til I am 40. But then he suggested waiting another year and doing it once I turn 35. I like this idea :-) So we shall see. The procedure scares me but I feel like in a year I can come to terms with it, save more money, Gavin will be closer to 5 y/o and J&K will be 2.5 or 3 y/o so that will be easier also.

ok must get to lawyers office! wish us luck that we finally close!

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