Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Diets, Potty and School....

Day 30 of weight/exercise -

* 4lbs lighter :-) That's about 1 lb a week. Works for me!! And it's progress. That is just with eating smaller portions, making better food choices and fast walking for 30 minutes a day. I am anxious to see my results in a month after I incorporate weights!!

I also want to try Couch to 5K with a friend, I just need to get started on it!!! I don't really like running but I am willing to try it.

My clothes are already starting to fit better...well except for my stupid midsection. I really hope with all hopes that weight loss and exercise will decrease it so that it is bearable for me and I won't need a tummy tuck. The doctor said they usually schedule them 2 months out and I am giving myself until December to judge my progress. The recovery scares me a bit so if I don't need it, I don't want it. But at the same time, I also want to feel good about me! I am grateful for my body and allowing me to grow and give birth to 3 healthy boys but darn....LOL I've got other 'battles scars' on my body that can show for the pregnancies, lol Like my feet...carrying all that weight with J&K definitely widened them a bit so now most of my cute shoes aren't as comfy as they used to be. Which is fine because I rarely wear my cute shoes *sigh*

Tentative Day 4 of successful potty for Gavin!!! WOO HOO!!!!!

I am giving any and all credit for this to Marcin, and Gavin of course! It was his idea and Gavin has responded very well to it!
As most of you know, Gavin is not a fan of sitting still. Rarely does he sit still so that would probably explain why my idea wasn't so successful. A few months ago when Gavin first started using potty, he was using one of those that you can put anywhere and have to clean, ew :/ So Marcin decided why not put it in the family room and let Gavin watch one of his shows while 'waiting' to pee. Low and behold....it worked. Gavin did not kick, scream or throw anything! And he peed on the darn thing! He also takes it while 'walking slowly so it doesn't make mess' to the big potty, dumps it and flushes it. And in true Gavin fashion wants to take the lid off the back of the toilet tank to see how it works when he flushes. What will this child be when he grows up?! lol
Marcin also made him his very own special M&M container with a sign on it that says, 'Gavin's Potty M&M's" Gavin said that he would like 4 M&M's for peeing on potty. He gets 10 if he poops....Gavin is a good negogiator.
So not only has this been working but it is MUCH easier to manage with J&K than before.  Yesterday he even said to me that he needed to pee and ran to sit on his potty while telling me that he wants to watch Caillou :-)

Which leads me to my next update, Gavin's preschool. Oh vey....last October we went to the preschool orientation. At that time, Marcin said he heard the principal state that they needed to be potty trained for 3 year old preschool. I didn't recall hearing this...then again this was just a month after J&K were born so it is possible. I do recall being in the 3 year old classroom, a parent asking about pull ups and the teacher replying that some kids do come to class in pull up and aren't completely potty trained. So I didn't stress over it.

Well....last week I emailed Gavin's teacher to tell her that Gavin is not completely potty trained and I will be sending him to school in a pull up, which I wanted to avoid completely but if that's what we need to do. But seriously...what is difference between diaper and pull up?! It is just 2 days a week for 3 hours, not a big deal. And usually Gavin doesn't go when he is busy with stuff. The teacher replies Friday at 5:00 p.m. that she is forwarding this onto the principal because it is an 'admission issue.' News to me, hmph. I am pissed and assuming I won't get reply from principal until Monday. Thankfuly she replied within  a couple hours explaining that over the past year there were issues with kids not being fully trained and the time to change them was taking away from class time and becoming distracting. Ok I get that. She then proceeded to tell me about my child when she has not even met him,

First, potty training is a sign of readiness for school in general.  Your little fellow is very young. You may just want to think about coming to the 3 year old program for 2012-13.  We would not charge you the registration fee again. also, If he makes significant progress, you may want to enter the program later this year or enter the 4's next year. If he is clearly in route to being trained except for a possinble occasional accident, then he might watch the others and learn more quickly. Then he could come to school.  He doesn't appear that he is even that far.

This is what irked me. Please notice the incorrect spelling lol Yes he is a very young three, that I agree. He just turned 3 two weeks ago. But do not pass judgement on a child you have not met.

After this we just had a bad taste in our mouth. We were all ready for him to start and very disappointed. We decided over the weekend that we didn't want him to attend there this school year. Would he be singled out? Would it become a distraction mid year and he get pull out? Would it be a bad first school experience for him? So many questions we can't possibly have answers for.

So I have been scrambling this week to find a program for him a couple days a week. We would prefer he be in a 3 year old preschool but many in our area require them to be fully potty trained.

I see two positives to this happening 1) We are glad we found out before the first day of school 2) He already has a spot in the 4 year old preschool, that is if I am able to let go of my grudge by then :-)

And I also have to wonder...did this happen for a reason? Maybe he wasn't meant to go there, ya know?

So that our past week in a nutshell. Never a dull moment :-)

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