Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Happy 11 months Jakob & Kaleb!!!!

Seriously...where does the time go? I can remember when I was younger and it would take f.o.r.e.v.e.r for summer to end and school to start. Now somehow these precious little guys are already 11 months and will soon be one year old. And you know what else I can get over....we survived :-D We have had our moments but we are doing! Doing it pretty darn well I might add :-)

Gavin at 11 months.......

Jakob and Kaleb are into everything! Their personalities are so much fun to watch develop!! Kaleb is definitely the instigator and Gavin's little Mini Me. Whatever Gavin is doing, Kaleb is right behind him. Which is where he has learned alot of his skills of getting into everything. Jakob is more of an observer, he sits back and watches most of the time. He will also get in the middle of Gavin and Kaleb but he prefers to observe everyone else and then go do it once they are done because he has learned then he can have it all to himself without the other 2 bothering him :-) Gavin truly loves his little brothers, he is always giving them BIG hugs (his words!) and kisses. "Trying' to help them...for example, I was putting Kaleb down for nap yesterday and I hear Gavin downstairs trying to help Jakob get down from his high chair. EK! Kaleb and Jakob are in awe of is the cutest sight to see them both crawling after Gavin to go where he is going :-)

Kaleb is cruising around on the tables and furnitures, I don't think he will be walking by his birthday but you never know! I would guess not (which is fine by me!) but we will have to wait and see. He seems to need to practice different skills longer before he masters them. He is babbling and learning to tell us what he wants and when he wants it. He is the big teddy bear. He loves to cuddle with you! You would think with him being bigger than Jakob, he would be the tougher guy but he is not. He is usually the first to cry, complain or want you to pick him up. He reminds alot of Gavin when he was Gavin, Kaleb's new love is opening/closing doors, AH! Most of you know Gavin's obsession with doing that over and over again :-P He is also constantly on the move, much like his big brother! Crawling over things, knocking them down, throwing, getting a stick in each hand and starts waving them around all over place (hitting jakob in head!). He gets super excited when the bathroom or laundry room are accidentally left open....he giggles and yells and takes off for the room open! He either wants to flush the toilet, play in the toilet (EW!!!!) if the lid is open or try to climb in the washer :-D

Kaleb has 6 teeth, 4 on top and 2 on bottom! He is really enjoying all his new foods and sippy cup with milk or water :-)

Jakob sits back and watches intently. With Kaleb when he was learning to pull up on took him about 2 weeks to learn not to stand on the sides of his foot/ankle and how to sit back down. About a month after Kaleb had it mastered and Jakob observing, Jakob just pulled himself and sat right back down. He didn't scream and cry because he couldn't sit down (like Kaleb :-P) Jakob also likes to cruise around on the couches and tables, he isn't too quick but that's ok!
He is our giggle box, the child laughs all the time! We will be in the car and Kaleb is babbling or Gavin is talking about something and all you hear from Jakob is him cracking up :-D He has a million and one facial expressions, I love it!

He has his 2 bottom teeth and his top front teeth are cutting now (ouch!) Jakob eats ALOT!! I swear the child must have a hollow limb because I have no idea where he puts all the food he eats. So far he likes to eat pretty much anything but peaches. And he also enjoys his sippy, he just started picking it up yesterday by himself, YAY!!!

J&K are great sleepers!!! Some friends refer to me as the "Sleep Nazi' because I am usually the first to leave playdates to get my boys home for their naps. If I learned anything with Gavin and it has proven true with J&K, sleep definitely begets sleep. The better they nap during the day, the better they sleep at night. If they are overtired their naps are crap and then they are cranky. No thanks...I would rather be a sleep nazi with happy babies :-) They are still napping 2x a day, usually 8:30-10:00 and 1:30-3:00/3:30, going to bed at 7:00 and waking up at 6:00/6:30. This may sound early to you but Gavin was always a early riser but now he sleeps until 7:00, so J&K waking up at 6 works out perfectly because we can spend some time with them, give bottles and play. Then Gavin wakes up :-)

Here are some other fun pics when I was trying to take their 11 month pictures...they would NOT sit still for anything! I tried to take the pictures when Marcin was at work and finally I just decided to wait so he could help me keep them still :-)

and they're off....

gavin trying to 'help' lol

I love their serious faces ....studying their cars

LOL jakob seems to think that Kaleb won't notice he is trying to take his car?!

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