Sunday, August 14, 2011

Updates on school, potty and just life :-)

My younger brother Reh informed me it has been over a week, so sorry! I didn't know anyone that was interested in our life of feeding children, napping stories, potty stories and my endless complaints of laundry :-P

We have had a busy week! We registered Gavin for 3 year old preschool....after the drama with the school down the road from us, which I am still not over....irks me so badly! He will still be close by, only about 10 minutes away. It is a 'learning center' with a private school attached to it. I really like the director, she was nice and easy to talk to. Spent at least 30 minutes with us on the tour of the school. It is costing us about twice as much as the previous school but we know Gavin will love it and let's face it....the child needs to be exposed to a structured learning environment where he can learn to sit still, be attentive and FOCUS! We are going this week for a couple of transition visits and open house. Gavin will have the option of going 2 full days but we figure Marcin will drop him off on his way to work around 7:30 and I will pick him up around 11:30 before the class has lunch and nap. He still naps 2-3 hours in the afternoon and I am in no hurry for that to disappear! There is no way he would nap at school with all those toys and everything else around him. The thought makes me laugh! He starts Aug 23.....I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand I am super excited for him because he is such a sociable kid, I know he will enjoy. On the other hand, I am going to miss his crazy, energetic self. Well if I have time to miss him :-P  J&K are still taking morning naps from 8:30-10:00ish, then they eat and then we pick up Gavin. It will be nice to have some time with J&K too.

Gavin is doing really well on the potty!!! He is using the BIG potty most of the time. He isn't 100% trained but I didn't expect that, he is only on week 3.....he wears his big boy underwear all the time with the exception of naps and bedtime. I wanted to avoid the pull ups and use the Super Undies (Which are great by the way!) but he is eh hem....holding things until nap or bedtime because he doesn't like the potty for those things and well, I don't want to clean up anymore of that than I have too, so pulls up it will be :-)

I took J&K back to doctor last Tuesday because they were both still congested :/ They have pretty much stayed congested since the beginning of June thanks to numerous ear infections. The antibiotics will clear it up but within a week they are back :/ So sure enough, Kaleb's were better but not 100%...more like 60-70%.
Jakob were both pretty bad...buldging and red. So we were referred to ENT to talk with. We will see what they have to say with their history of ear infections before we make final decisions on tubes or not.
And then over weekend, Kaleb developed a horribly sounding cough and some wheezing : / I called on call doctor she said it sounds like croup, geez. We can't catch a break! His cough sounds like a barking seal which apparently is symptom of croup.

These little ones just can't catch a break...I have a feeling it will get worse before it gets better with Gavin starting school and bringing home all sorts of stuff : / They will definitely be getting the flu shot this year. Gavin never got it when he was their age but I feel like they will need it with him going to school.

We went to Dutch Wonderland last week with some friends, what a great day it was!!! Gavin had a blast!!! We wanted to take him last summer but he would have been too young (and I was very super pregnant with J&K), his age was just about perfect because he is so tall and can ride about 75% of the rides :-) I wasn't too sure what J&K would think about sitting in their stroller/carseats most of the day but they did very well! We tried to take them out when we could and let them stretch. They really seemed to enjoy watching all the people and the rides. The boys will have so much fun there in a couple of years when J&K are older and they can ride together or big brother can go on rides with them :-) And Gavin wore his underwear the entire day....accident free!!! (Even though I had 5 extra pair in car hehe!)

I have diligently been working on J&K's party decorations.....I am pretty happy with most of it! I have been cutting lots and lots of triangles for the circus bunting to hang around the house. I have made their monthly picture banner, my fabulous friend keeley designed their birthday banner and cupcake toppers that I am cutting out, balloon wreath, ticket cake, etc. I have ordered the cotton candy, cracker jacks, got animal crackers, candy for vases, swirl pops, borrowing a popcorn machine, buying the food I need to cook (with my coupons of course hehe) and other fun stuff!!! I could seriously go way overboard with the circus stuff...we are going to have to do this again when everyone is older, there are so many fun things we can do!

Here is a little preview of what I have been working on, the ticket cake is not finished...I have a cute elephant on a bicycle for the topper.

I still need to add ribbon and signs to the balloon wreath but it turned out cute! This is an 18inch wreath, total cost me $20 to make. I saw them for $60 for etsy! It didn't take me long to do, I worked on it while watching tv once kids were in bed :-)

The one on top their birthday banner and then the triangles will be their monthly picture banner. The little ones on the left are the food labels :-) And I still have to punch holes in both banners, run the string and also finish cutting triangles and string the rest of the bunting together. whew!

Alot of work but I love doing this stuff!! A year ago, I thought I would never have time to do these things again  :-P


  1. I am not going to lie...I have been waiting for an update too! Because I hardly ever talk to you, j/k! I still get lots out of your blog!

    I absolutely LOVE the birthday stuff! I never thought to put printed paper behind the banners! Brilliant! The balloon wreath is so cute too! You will get so much use out of that for years!

  2. love love love this!! i finally got a chance to read through the blogs i follow and was super excited to see what you've made!!
    I'm STILL waiting for my balloons to come in the mail lol since i needed 3 colors i couldn't get in the store but your wreath turned out adorable!! I posted pics of my bunting earlier! i don't have nearly as much done as you do but i have 6 more weeks to work with! i can't wait to see how it all comes together!! love the pop corn machine!!
