Tuesday, August 23, 2011

My house is so quiet....

This is so strange to me and surreal to a point :-P I knew the day would come but I can remember thinking of it so long ago and it felt so far away. Now it's here and it feels like it came too quickly...Gavin is at school.

Our baby boy is at school....I don't know what he is doing, how he is acting, if he is listening, how many times the teacher has redirected him to stay away from the sink or the toys and SIT still, if he sharing nicely, taking turns, crying because he realized we are not there, using potty like he should, washing his hands....a million thoughts going through my mind.

It is almost 9:00...his class is getting ready for their morning snack at school. At home, Jakob and Kaleb are settling down for their nap. And I am at a loss of what to do with all this quietness and free time that I rarely have. This is definitely going to take some adjustment on everyone's part :-P

Marcin took Gavin to school on his way to work. I was outside in driveway telling Gavin bye and NOT crying, no I was not! And Gavin says to me "Go inside mama...BYE!" lol Marcin called after he dropped him off and said Gavin ran right in and started playing. He had to ask a few times to get a goodbye hug and kiss :-P I was so relieved he did so well and was not crying, I couldn't handle it if he was crying. I don't know how my friend B did with when she started work and her son cried at school when she dropped him off : /

His teacher suggested the 2nd day may not be as easy once he has a better idea of what is going on....i.e., he is not there to play all morning :-P

On the plus side, I know he will enjoy school AND I get some time with jakob and kaleb, which is always fun! They are so funny these days!!! I don't know if it because they are twins or just used to always being together but they play together, not the parallel play most toddlers do but sometimes they actually play together and interact, cutest thing ever!!!

So they are napping, Gavin is at school.....what do I do? Hmm...sit on couch and eat bon bons like Marcin thinks I do all day ( joking honey!) or straighten up house? oh and I get to take a shower without rushing....yep I think I will adjust ok :-)

Here is a little insight that I feel like I forget sometimes because I do need to slow down......

"I really am your gift. I am not just a little person who needs to be "raised" and taught, and taken to activities....I came to the people in my life to bring a message: slow down. Feel. Be. Over and over again. When you do, you will notice immediately, that I am not an obstacle to your work, or inconvenience to your daily life. Instead, you will come to appreciate my honesty, humor, presence and love."-- Bruce Scott

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