Wednesday, August 17, 2011

::sniff sniff:: my baby is starting school.....

... in less than a week!!! We went today for a short visit so he could see his classroom and sort of get a grip on things.

The teacher asked me if I had any questions.....I was thinking, "YES!!! I have alot, I just can't process them right now." So instead I answered, "They will come to me before we leave":-) She seemed to understand. His teacher Mrs. Patti seems very nice. He will also have a new teacher starting this school year. Mrs. Patti has 4 boys herself and Gavin's classroom is all boys with the exception of THREE students. Honestly.....why are there so many boys?!?! hehe

I tried explaining to his teacher that this is Gavin's first experience in a structured environment where he will be expected to sit still and focus for a period of time. She didn't seem to be concerned. I don't think she understands what she is in for hehe Or maybe WE don't know what we are in for :-P

We were able to go outside with the classes and Gavin had a blast! All of the children there were so friendly with Gavin, introducing themselves and showing him around. It was adorable. Thankfully I had my sunglasses on because I am pretty sure something was trying to get in my eyes. ::sniff sniff:

Our sweet baby is growing up!! He is starting school! How is this possible? I have been thinking about this for over a year. And leading up to this and J&K being born, anticipating how I would manage being at home with all 3 boys by myself. I was terrified this time last year. He is such an inquisitive little guy....curious about everything. I sometimes look at him in amazement and wonder what he will grow up to be and how can we foster and encourage his passions in life so he can go in the directions he wants to go.

Last night Marcin pointed to a pile of towels in the bathroom and told me they were soaked. {We keep our towels under our bathroom sinks...when Gavin was about one I put everything under our sinks (shampoos, soaps, meds, etc) in the linen closet and moved towels under the sink). Gavin loves water....he has always been fascinated with it! So usually once J&K go down for their morning nap, I take a shower and Gavin will play in the bathroom sink. Eh hem...I have seen him opening the cabinet under the sink but didn't really think he was doing anything important. Well apparently he was....he wanted to see where the water was going after it went down the drain. I am assuming in his mind, he figured he could see this better if he unscrewed the pipes under the sink. Judging from the soaking wet towels Marcin pulled from under his sink....he was almost successful :-P

Less than a week and he will be in school 2 mornings a week. But he does have the option to stay all day so at least that going for me should he decide to stop napping :-P

I am going to miss him (even if he does drive me crazy sometimes....he knows how to push my buttons!) but I know once he adjust he will love it! And it will also be nice to have spend time with J&K, not much right now since they are still taking a morning nap but once that phases out, we will have all morning to do things!

1 comment:

  1. So exciting! He is going to love it! I can't believe he figure out the plumbing! (can he come teach Chris please? lol)
