Tuesday, October 25, 2011

"Is Santa Here?!"

Last year Gavin knew who Santa was but didn't really get it. This year....he gets it!!! He has been asking for a drum set since summer. He then saw one at Toys R' Us and has talked about it ever since. He tells us, 'I want the big black drum, with the little drum and the snare drum and the cymbal." While we were in SC, we went over to my brother Thomas's house and his 3 y/o son had a simliar drum set. Gavin was over the moon! That drum was very loud but the smile and excitement on his face made it somewhat bearable lol

So Marcin and I kept telling him that if he is a good listener that maybe Santa will bring him a drum set for Christmas. The other night I was tucking Gavin into bed and singing him Twinkle Twinkle when he interrupts me by telling that Santa is going to bring him drums because he is a good listener. And that Santa will bring Mama, Tata, Jakob and Kaleb drums too if they are good listeners. He went on and on about the drums. I told him that the next day we could write Santa a letter and send it to him at the North Pole. Gavin replied, "Thats a GREAT idea Mom!" So we did. I had Gavin draw pictures of the things he wanted Santa to bring him. He drew 3 black circles for the drums and a yellow circle for the cymbal. He also drew the foot pedal and drum sticks. He then asked me to draw a microphone and a guitar. I drew the outline of the guitar and he politely told me I forgot the strings. He finished the guitar for me :-) We put the letter in the mailbox yesterday. We checked it today in case Santa writes him back. I think Santa will write him back Thursday or Friday :-)

Marcin's idea is to have Santa write him back and send the 'Elf on the Shelf' to watch over Gavin for Santa since he is so busy getting ready for Christmas.

This is going to be a long two months until Christmas!! Each morning and afternoon that Gavin has woken up he asked me, "Is it Christmas?" or "Is Santa here?" And when I say not yet, he explains to me, "Santa is faaaaarrr away at his house in North Pole. He is building toys for boys & girls." Sometimes Gavin will look up in the sky to see if he can find Santa.

I love this kid!!!! Christmas is going to be so much fun this year!!! And next year even more fun when J&K get it :-)

Let the bribing for good behavior begin LOL

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