Thursday, October 6, 2011

Dieting, Road trips and Life :-)

I have been very frustrated with myself and my body. I just cannot remember to eat. Then I eat larger portions (bad to do) and then I don't want to eat again until I remember that I am starving...and the process starts again. I know all of this but it is just so busy with the kids that I can't keep it together on a daily basis. I will have a couple good days and then not so good days. As a result I have only lost 4-5 pounds, not where I wanted to be at this time.

So I knew a couple of people who had success with Medifast. I thought about it for a bit and thought about it some more. I really don't like those types of diets. I have always believed that you need to learn how to eat better so that the weight stays off once you lose it. I feel like on the 'diets' people lose it but it eventually always come right back. Medifast seemed simple eat 5 of their meals and one of your own. Your own meal being a lean protein and 1/2 cup of veggies. No beverages other than water or what they sell. Easy enough right? hmph....I started this past Monday, it was not a good day. I had their spiced pancakes for breakfast (pretty good actually), a yummy peanut butter crunch bar for snack, soup for lunch, honey mustard pretzels for snack. And pork tenderloin with veggies for dinner. after dinner I was....STARVING!!! I had been starving all day. Now I was aware that it would take my body a few days to become accustomed to this new way of eating. But the end of the night I was light headed and had a huge headache. This is not healthy. Did I mention that the Medifast meals range from 60-100 calories a PIECE!? no wonder I was starving. {EDIT} I went off on a tangent and didn't finish my thought about learning how to eat better. Being that I am clearly out of practice on this, I thought the Medifast idea would be a good way for me to get back on track. I am hoping that after a couple months of eating the smaller meals 5-6 times, it will again become routine for me. Still not a huge fan of this type of diet but I tried it on my own and didn't do so well, so here it goes!

So the next day I decided this plan needed to be modified to better fit MY needs. I decided to do 4 of their meals and 2 of my own. Breakfast is a really important needs to be healthy and satisfying. After all, this is starting your day (and metabolism) off on the right foot. So on Tuesday I had my own breakfast of 1 whole egg & 1 egg white scrambled with a tomato & my coffee of course! I will not give up my coffee! Tuesday was MUCH better. I had eggs for breakfast, 4 of their meals and my own dinner. I felt more satisfied throughout the day, kept my calories below 1200 (according to fitness pal) and did not get a headache :-P

Now let's see if my 4:2 Medifast plan works!! I do like the food so far, it has been pretty tasty. I had to draw the line at powdered eggs...I cannot eat powdered eggs!!! I have been drinking alot more water...which I also needed to do. I sometimes set the microwave timer to remind myself to eat every 2-3 hours. haha isn't that funny that I actually have to remind myself...who would have thought that day would happen?!

I weigh myself on Monday, we shall see if I have lost anything.

Although I probably started this at the wrong time (is there really ever a good time to start a diet? I could come up with a million excuses to delay LOL). We are driving to South Carolina next Thursday! My cousin is getting married AND J&K get to meet all of their family 'down south.' I am so excited to get down there....we haven't been since April 2010 which is probably the longest amount of time that I have been away from the Lowcountry. My dad and Gay's house is pretty much finished (finally!) so we get to see that, my dad has a small 'digger' for gavin to ride on (This is a dream come true for him at this point in his life!) and the babies get to meet everyone! And Marcin and I get to see everyone...very, very very excited for this trip!!! NOT so excited for the 10-11 hour drive with the boys but I will have plenty of junk snacks, DVD's, toys, ipad, cell phones, activities for everyone that will hopefully keep them entertained with little to no meltdowns! And honestly, they might as well get used to the drive because purchasing plane tickets for a family of five....$$$$$$$!!!!! I see lots of driving in our future :-)

Brace yourself.....I have not started my packing list! For those of you that know me well, this is very unusual for me. I just haven't had the time. Nor am I as stressed over it because we are staying my dad and Gay's really anything we need will either already be there (Thank y'all!!!!) or we can run out and get it. I just need to remember monitors, all 700 blankies/pillows, noise machines and dark sheets to cover the windows so the kids will sleep! OH and camera....there will be LOTS of pictures to be taken :-)

I hope to get my list going this weekend after the church resale saturday. We have a dining room full of toys....yes just toys to sell!! I really hope most of them sale. We also have some other baby stuff and a few house things. Whatever doesn't sell, Marcin's parents will try to sell at their yard sale in a few weeks and the rest will either be consigned or donated. It just needs to get OUT of the know to make room for Christmas stuff LOL

J&K seem to be doing great after their tubes. Jakob stopped toppling over...much to our relief :-P Jakob also seems to be ready to drop his morning nap. Kaleb....not so much lol Kaleb has always been ready for a nap within a couple hours of waking up while Jakob could wait almost 3 hours before getting tired. So I am not surprised but it makes for an interesting day. Gone are my days of having all 3 boys down for their naps at same time. Which is fine...another adjustment in the routine. Kaleb will eventually drop his morning nap. In the meantime it gives Jakob some time with yours truly and he can play with all the toys without anyone taking it from him :-) We plan to take the bedtime bottle away after our trip to South Carolina. Kaleb won't miss it...Jakob will definitely miss it lol But they are doing so well with milk in sippy that they really don't need the bottle anymore. SO happy that transition was/is going so easily! I had two bottle drying racks in the kitchen and was able to put one away. It seemed like I had so much more counter space....imagine when I can put the other one away?! lol
Kaleb has really taken to books lately (he must get this from his cousin Kalina and me too, I love to read!) I gave him this when he got in the car and he didn't put it down until I took him out of carseat :-) He will sit and 'read' all the books at home also, so cute!!!

Gavin is doing better at school. He has been going for 2 months and today when we were getting ready, he only told me once that he didn't want to go. This is progress everyone.....big progress. I think he is enjoying the new school also. They started Letter week. This week is the letter 'A' so all the kids had to bring in something that started with the letter "a" for show and tell. He comes home singing all sorts of songs, pretending to be the teacher while J&K listen to him reading a book. He has also been sitting still....I don't know if this a result of school or him just getting older. But he will sit still and actually work on something for 10 minutes (that's a long time for Gav lol).

Marcin and I have our 6th wedding anniversary coming up saturday october 8! Doesn't seem possible that it has been 6 years! My sister in law and her hubby just celebrated their 20th yesterday, what a great milestone and lots of hard work I would imagine. Marriage are work....but is another blog altogether :-)

Have a great day everyone, I will leave you with this yummy treat my younger brother, Reh, shared with me. A Bourbon Pumpkin Pie Grown Up Milkshake, nom nom! We will be making these at Thanksgiving in the mountains in North Carolina....aaahhhh, can't wait to get there either!!!!

1 comment:

  1. You can do this!!! And how adorable is Kaleb reading upside down??!!
