Monday, October 24, 2011

South Carolina!

We had a great time in South Carolina with family and friends! As usual, we didn't get to see everyone but we did our best. It is not easy getting out with 3 boys, especially working around J&K's two naps per day :-P

The drive took us 12 hours to get there....of course the day did not start off too great :/ J&K were up before 6:00 a.m., Jakob woke with a 101 fever and was not a happy camper, Kaleb didn't want to eat breakfast and Gavin...well he was under the impression that Pop Pop and Gigi's house was not very far away. We had just turned out of our neighborhood and Gavin says' Where is Pop Pop and Gigi's house?! And we heard that at least a hundred more times in 12 hours :-P But the boys did a great job on the way there and back. We stopped 2-3 times each way so we could all stretch legs. I think Jakob is pretty much done with the carseat for the remainder of his life, he screams when I put in it now. Oh well, such as life lol

My dad and Gay have done an amazing job on their house! I won't give the entire back story but this house has been a work in progress for over 2 years!!! the right side was the orginal house that was renovated. The left side if the new part. I don't know how they did it but the colors, paint, furniture...all of it came together so brilliantly! Here is a pic of the dad wanted it high enough to park his Motorcoach, (or the "school bus") as Gavin called it, underneath.

We drove down on a Thursday for my cousin's wedding. We went to the rehearsal dinner at Dockside, great little seafood place that I kept telling my dad I had never been too but he said I had. Don't you know...he was right :-P The cornbread taste like cake...delicious!!! I REALLY want fried shrimp and scallops BUT because of my Medifast (yes I stuck to it pretty well while we were away but I will talk about that later) diet, I ordered steamed shrimp...Marcin said mine was better because he ordered the fried shrimp and scallops lol Saturday was the wedding, it was a gorgeous day for an outside wedding. Gay and I decided we want to get married there! The wedding was at my Aunt&Uncle house (groom's parents), right on the river in Beaufort. And older historic home, lights strung, buffet set up with fried green tomatoes and just a beautiful setting! I got to see and re-meet a lot of old friends that I haven't seen in many, many years! It was a lot of fun!

We made it to my grandfathers house so he could meet J&K. He and his wife, Lana really seemed to enjoy meeting J&K and seeing Gavin, and us of course but really, it's all about the kids :-P I also learned Paula Deen lives a few house down from them....who knew?! That is 4 generations in the pictures, isn't that amazing?!

Marcin and I made a few trips to the outlets!! We went the first time with the boys and the whole family! I hit up the Palmetto Moon Store and got all my South carolina goodies! Marcin went straight for Under Armour! Then we back a few days later just the two of us and I was treated to a Michael Kors bag! I love is just the right size for nights out for my phone, wallet and gloss :-) And we had to take Gavin crabbin' off the dock! Dad and Gay pulled out the crab nets, defrosted some bait and we waited for the tide the next morning! It was chilly down on the water and of course after about 10 minutes, Gavin was done but he toughed it out and stayed on the dock to check the nets. We ended up with 5 crabs...took them inside, cooked them and Marcin ate them for lunch lol I told Gavin Tata was going to eat them for lunch and he said 'GROSS! I can't like crabs for lunch. They are icky!"


After....nom nom!
There was ALOT of good food over our velvet cake, a delicious pound cake Gay made, muffins, went out to eat a few times, pizza, pecan crusted chicken, prime rib, fried green tomatoes, key lime pie, lemon meringue pie, mountain name it. It was hard but I stuck to Medifast as best I could. If I veered off, I would eat a small portion of what I wanted. That being said...I very reluctantly got on the scale Saturday and had lost still managed to lose 3 lbs! And then I got on again today on my official weigh in day to see I had lost another pound! Not super great but all thing considered, I will take it! That puts me at a total loss of 8lbs in 4 weeks. Along with an inch gone from bust, hips and thighs. As you may guess, the waist line did not shrink...hmph, stupid twin skin...GO AWAY! lol

The most exciting news for me this past weekend besides a super fun sesame street birthday party (seriously...the host, awesome cook! I had a few bites of her goodies too!) was the fact that I was able to wear a pair of jeans I have not been able to fit into since october 2009! WHOOP WHOOP!!! I was so excited!! I tried on another 2 pair of my oldies but goodies...yep they fit too!!!!!

Ok got to go....I have spent way too much time on here doing facebook pics and blogging! must get dinner started before my lovelies wake up!

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