Sunday, October 2, 2011

talk about procrastination! (and well...being busy!)

HA!! I have been reading the Game of Thrones series ( I am on 3rd book) and now I can't put it down! So instead of blogging, I have been reading :-) The first book was very slow with many many many characters. If Marcin and I hadn't watched the first season of the series on HBO, I would not have stuck with it. Not really my type of read but since I knew it got better, I stuck with it! So glad I did!!! Being that the books are close to 1000 pages a takes me longer than 3-4 days to finish ( :-P I am fast reader!)

We are all doing great!!! Gavin seems to really enjoy his new school. He has brought home 4 pictures/crafts already! Tells me he has a new friend named Anna and was showing me yesterday how to hop like a frog and sing a long. He is still a bundle of non-stop energy but he actually sat down the other day a few times to play with play doh, take apart and put together a digger he got for his birthday and singing a song while doing a craft. Could this be the beginning of him sitting still for a bit? I like it! lol We went to Chik Fil A's mother/son date was so cute and fun!! Gavin loves Red Chicken (aka Chik fila lol). He has called it that for as long as I can remember, hehe So when a friend shared this info on FB, I knew we had to go! They had it all set up....tableclothes, flower centerpieces, candles, someone playing a keyboard, shields, knight crest and some cute packets of information on activities to do with your son, etc. And a horse and carriage ride!
It was a fun night!!! I love when Marcin or I can get out with one child to spend some one on one time with them. They may not seem like they notice it but I know it makes a difference in their little minds when they get us all to theirselves:-)

Kaleb is loving all the push toys we have. We have a couple from Gavin and then the babies got a shopping cart for their birthday. Kaleb will usually push two at a time...little brut! lol He is loving anything he can stack or sort, so cute! And books....he will pull all the books out of the basket and flip through them. I thought he would be walking by now but I guess he figures crawling is faster and need to be fast around here with 2 other brothers going after your toys! He starting to talk/babble so much more and making so many sounds. And laughing...usually Kaleb would silently laugh but lately he has been laughing out loud and I do love that sound! He is definitely the more dominant and serious of the two :-) We have been trying (when I say we....I mean myself, Marcin AND Gavin lol) the boys sign language...just 'all done,' 'more,' 'drink.'
Kaleb decided he would make up his own sign language for 'all done'...he just throws his arms up in the air. Works for me, as long as know what he is saying :-P

Jakob is just plain silly. The kid is always dancing as soon as he hears something resembling music (although his favortie seems to be the Fresh Beat Band :-P) He is usually trying to tackle or wrestle with somone...or crawl up to you really fast and bury his face in your shoulder (giggling the whole time!). Jakob is pretty good with 'all done'....still working on the 'more.' Consistency...they will get there. He is also having fun with the push toys, cruising around. His legs and coordination don't seem quite as strong as Kaleb but that has pretty much been the same since they were born....Kaleb usually gets the hang of things first.

J&K eat pretty much anything we put in front of them which is great but then I also feel like maybe I am not offering them enough variety :-P I must pull out 5-6 different things for each meal/snack and make a huge mess of all the food.

Ok must got and get my coupons in order for my big night of shopping! Did you see there are FOUR inserts in the paper today?! WOO HOO!!!! lol it's the little things.....

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