Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Farmer Michalski?

I think we should move further south and live on a farm so we can have chickens, cows and a huge garden. Why you ask? Because keeping our family in just eggs and milk alone is going to be expensive!!! We already go through at least 18 eggs A WEEK! And a gallon or two of milk a week!

And now that J&K are starting to enjoy eggs and then with milk to follow soon....ugh I need a farm or at least I need to become friends with a local farmer who can cut me a deal!!! I remember when Gavin started milk, we went through three gallons a week! oh vey :-P

I am being optimistic on the huge garden....that is assuming that one day Gavin will decide that yes he will eat fruits or veggies besides the ones I puree and sneak into his food! And also that J&K will eat fruits and veggies. They pretty much eat anything right now but Gavin was same when he was their age. Now his menu is pretty limited, not for lack of trying on our part. Or maybe its just First Child's Syndrome? He has been better at trying new things and we offer. Sometimes he find that yes it is good and others, not so much.

Thankfully I have discovered that Aldi in Elkton has milk for $2.79 a gallon, not bad! And sometimes they put it on sale for $1.99! A dozen eggs there are $1.25, again not bad. Why can't I ever find coupons for eggs and milk?!

Other grocery stores in our area sell milk for $3.99 a gallon! GEEZ! Eggs are usually $1.99-2.50, I mean that is ridiculous!

I love to go grocery shopping when I visit my southern relatives, so much cheaper compared to Delaware! Of course cost of living is less but not that much less!! And with all these natural disasters, groceries are not going to decrease. See? All the more reason for a farm :-)

I have been doing MUCH better with my coupons! I got a very cute coupon organizer from Etsy ( I <3 Etsy!) and I am much more organized when I go shopping. Instead of using coupons for what we need that week, I look at the bigger picture. It is still a learning process but I like the challenge of seeing how I can something for less. You won't be seeing me on the Extreme Couponing show in the future...those people are NUTS! I do not need over 100 boxes of granola bars or cereal for that matter. Maybe when the boys hit 13 or 14 years old and they start eating everything in sight....I may rethink exactly how nuts they are LOL

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