Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Keeping me on my toes!

I am sure you can imagine two babies is quite an adjustment but the more mobile&stronger they become, the more I am reminded of this!

Kaleb is crawling around, Jakob is scooting and can pretty much get what he wants at this point. Kaleb is trying to pull up on EVERYTHING which is great but I wish I could just nail everything to the floor so he doesn't keep falling and hitting his head : /

When Gavin was this age, it was very different. He was the only one so I had plenty of time to focus obsessively over him and his antics. Entirely different with Jakob and Kaleb :-P I have an almost 3 year old and a 32 year old to keep up, hehe

I am in the kitchen this morning cleaning up after breakfast. J&K are in the morning playing and Gavin is sitting at table STILL eating his breakfast. I hear Gavin "Mommy....Kaleb going to fall down and hurt head! MOMMY!!!!" While yelling at me that Kaleb is going to fall down, Gavin runs over to morning room to help his brothers (melt my heart!) and is looking at me like "Where were you?! I TOLD you Kaleb was going to fall and hit his head. This is what I found..... (yes I took time to take a picture once I figured everyone was ok.)

Kaleb had crawled over to sit behind this toy while Jakob was playing with it. Kaleb, of course, must have whatever Jakob is playing with. Seriously he will go out of his way, stop what he is playing and go over to take from Jakob :-P So Kaleb had his hands on top of this trying to pull up while Jakob was pulling it the opposite directions towards himself so Kaleb couldn't take it.

Now see, this is a scenario I would not think of going from one baby (gavin) to two babies! This is an entirely different world when it comes to keeping things safe and trying to decrease the amount of bumps and bruises :-P

Lesson learned...this toy will go in office with other toys I have learned are not good for two babies to play with at the same time *sigh* I am 100% positive I have many more lessons coming my way :-P

But seriously, could Gavin have been any cuter running to help his brothers?!?! He is such a good big brother!!!

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