Thursday, September 1, 2011

"Mrs. M, do you have children?"

I was asked this question countless times when I was working as an elementary school counselor and during my year long practicum. I always brushed it off because I thought 'what did it matter if I had children or not, as long as I did my job well?" This is one of the few times I will admit...I was wrong!

I wish I could back and tell those parents how right they were. I get it now....I have an entirely new perspective on things. I realized I was gaining this perspective when Gavin was born and I was so protective of him. But when he started school last week, it really hit home. The first week of school went pretty well.
This week, the second week, not so much. He has had a really rough time with drop off. I know from experience with the kids I used to work with, this takes time. The kids would always come to my office saying they missed mommy, their siblings, their grandparents, their pets. I knew what to say to comfort the kids and I thought I knew for the parents but I would have done a much better job now having gained this perspective.

I called today to check on Gavin to make sure he was able to calm down and it was odd for me to be on the other side with the teacher reassuring me and telling me that Gavin was fine. That this adjustment was completely normal, it will take him a little longer because he is only there 2 days a week and he is not the only one having a difficult time. I know all of this.....I knew all of this but like I told her, it is so different when it is your child :-) I just want to go see him and give him a huge hug and tell him it will be ok.

At the same time, I also know he needs this. I need this. Marcin needs this...this will help us to become better parents letting Gavin learn things on his own, away from us. This is learning experience for all of us. And I know it will get better. I have seen it happen when I worked....after a month, most of the kids loved school and would cry when it was time to go home LOL

I will admit, the time with J&K is great! They are becoming such little people with the silliest personalities! But I miss Gavin too. The quiet time and 'me' time when J&K are napping is great! It gives me a little time to myself and time to clean, prep for dinner, laundry or maybe just to sit down uninterrupted for 10 minutes so I can blog :-)

Kids are amazing.....and so resilient. I feel like adults need to take a clue or two from kids :-)

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