Friday, September 9, 2011

Bye Bye Bottles!!!

Today is day #1, we are doing same thing I did with Gavin. Starting with morning bottle, giving that a week or two. Then midday bottle and then bedtime bottle. They have been taking only 3 bottles for the past 3-4 months. They have had milk in their bottles for the past month and didn't mind the change from formula at all :-) I didn't think Jakob would be a big fan...he wasn't. He screamed, threw his sippy cup down, refused his favorite foods and threw a big ole hissy fit :-P  Good thing we are starting this now because Jakob seems to be developing quite an attachment to his bottle. Kaleb didn't really surprise there lol

They ate ALOT!!! My goodness we are going to go broke feeding these boys LOL Together J&K ate a big bowl of cheese grits, 6 strawberries, a fruit bar and handful of cheerios!

After Jakob got some grits in his tummy, he was happier :-) They drank their milk ok, I am sure it will get better over time. But overall, I'd say they did well.

Now they are all playing with their 'boss' Gavin, seriously the child is so bossy!!! He is helpful in running to shut the bathroom door so they can't get in and constantly telling them not to do things or things they aren't supposed to touch. He is a mimic of marcin and I disciplining him, so funny! He puts them in time out all the time for not listening....welcome to my world Gavin :-P

I love to see how J&K faces light up when they see Gavin or his is telling them something. They absolutely adore their big brother. And likewise, Gavin loves to give them 'cuddles' and 'BBIIIIGGGG hugs.'

Going to play with the boys! have a good day everyone!

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