Thursday, September 8, 2011

Is it Friday yet?!

Whew what a week! I don't know why this week has lasted forever but it has just been one of those weeks. I cannot get myself together! I still need to sort through things for yard sale, put away birthday things that are currently stashed in the office (thank goodness those doors are always closed!) and just straighten the house in general. Always something :-P This rainy weather we have had this week is not helpful either. I will be glad when the sun comes out. The weather has also made me realize how badly I am not looking forward to winter :/

Yesterday I told Marcin that I could really use some time out of the house by myself :-) So I decided to go to the mall because I need a new pair of jeans because my jeans from last year...TOO BIG!!! Loving that!!! I got a cute pair from the Loft a few weeks ago but I need more than one pair! We also have a wedding in South Carolina next month so I thought I could look around for something to wear...I am not sure what I am looking for. I hope that when I see it, I will know. This probably won't happen, I can never find something when I am looking for it. It's when I am not looking or in a rush that I spot THE perfect outfit, go figure. The wedding is in mid- October in Beaufort at my Aunt and Uncles house on the riverfront, gorgeous view! I know it is will be a beautiful wedding. I am just not sure what to wear...nothing formal or too dressy. But I don't want too casual either. Anyone want to take me shopping and dress me?! That would be easier for me :-P
My shopping expenditure didn't happen :-( I got to mall only to find that it was closed due to a power outage. I saw the signs from the parking lot but I thought surely they must still be up from Hurricane Irene. The parking lot was oddly empty also. Sure enough...they were closed. HMPH! I did get some good deals on clearance stuff for the boys at Old Navy. So I headed over to Michael's to get some supplies to make our Christmas cards :-) I found the cutest paper, I really think they will turn out nice! Yes I know it is September but honestly, if I plan to have them completed in time to send them out before Christmas, I need to start now! I guess I try shopping again soon :-P

Gavin is having a tough time adjusting to school. I knew this would happen but still frustrating to me. I am constantly second guessing our decisions and wondering if we are doing the right thing. This parenting thing is tough at times :-P I talked to the Director today and inquired what the staff can do to help him. I feel it is harder for him because he is new to this, the staff is new to him and the his entire routine is different. Gavin loves a routine because it allows him to know what is coming next. When he doesn't know what is coming next, he isn't a big fan unless it involves cupcakes or a surprise lol I asked the Director if she had any ideas, she said she would think about it and get back to me. I also suggested after talking to a friend that perhaps whomever is there in the morning can take 5 minutes to greet him. This way he gets to know them all better and isn't so thrown off when he comes in and his teacher is out sick and he has to go to a different what happened today : / This will pass....just as everything does but in the meantime, it makes for a challenging 3 y/o in my house.

Jakob has a bad ear infection in his right ear. The right ear has been the trouble all along, so not surprising. I took Kaleb to doc today, his does not have full blown EI but his ears are not 100%. He has been on antibiotics for a month straight and his ears are not where they need to be :-( I scheduled them both for tube placement on Sept. 22. Are we crazy for doing both the same day? Perhaps. But honestly, I just want to get it over with. We have to do a pre-surgical appt prior to the surgery. I hope and pray it gives these little guys some relief.

Currently, J&K are getting 3 bottles a day. Since they are officially 1, I think it is time to take one away. I am going to start with the morning bottle. I have a feeling Jakob is going to have a tougher time than Kaleb letting go :-P He throws quite the fit in the mornings when he wants his bottle :-P He is just going to have to settle with a sippy and a bowl of cheese grits :-D I am SO ready to be done with these dr. browns bottles and cleaning them, oh vey! Sippy cups are much more fun to clean but at least we 'll only have 3 parts instead of 6 :-P Wish us luck!

Otherwise, same craziness in our house :-) My grandmother is coming to visit next Thursday! We cannot wait for her to get here! I am sure she is excited to see the boys...and Marcin and I. But more the boys, hehe Can't blame her for that! I forewarned her that its a little crazy and loud, so I understand if she needs frequent breaks lol She will get to experience the MoM's resale when we go next Friday night and I hope to get to Milburn Orchards with her and the boys. Their fall festivities start Sunday Sept. 17! YAY!!!

I should get off computer and get things done around here :-) have a good one!

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