Saturday, September 3, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday Jakob & Kaleb!

I seriously cannot believe they are one! Not only are they one but Marcin and I survived! lol We couldn't have done it without the help of our supportive family and friends! I remember them being born like it was yesterday....I feel like we just brought them home. And they are already one....time is going by way too fast!!!

J&K are so funny together, throw Gavin in the mix and we have a 24/7 comedy club in our house! It is so much fun to watch them grow and play together. Gavin is quite the parent when it comes to bossing them around. He is constantly telling Kaleb to stop touching the speaker under the tv. Or he will take off running to go close the bathroom door so they can't get in there. And the sharing of the toys...oh vey! I have a feeling this will be an issue until they move out of the house, by then they can deal with it themselves:-P

Kaleb is still our little bull in a china shop! He is rough and tough, throwing things and crawling over anyone (including Jakob) to get where he wants to go. He is also a big teddy bear and loves to cuddle! He is not walking yet but not far from it. Just this weekend he is letting go of things to stand on his own and starting to figure it out, it won't be long! He loves his monkey blankie and has started to take it with him everywhere, so cute!

He likes to say 'mama' and 'dada' and shake his head 'no.' He is working on tooth #8, whew! I guess that means I should be on the look out for eye teeth and molars, OUCH! Those were the toughest for Gavin so I am anticipating the worst for them also :-( He has mastered climbing upstairs and loves to practice coming down them, that will be so great when they can go up and down steps on their own!! WOO HOO!

Jakob will sit still.....this is so strange to me because I am used to Gavin running crazy. Kaleb seems to be following in his footsteps but Jakob will hang out and play! He loves loves cars...he will carry a Hot Wheel car around all day long lol So cute :-) He loves to laugh, growl and make all sorts of noises. If you make a beeping sound at him, he will laugh and do it back to you. Jakob is very insistent when he wants something and he certainly knows what he wants....he is almost always a happy baby but if he doesn't get what he wants, he is very dramatic until he gets it :-P He is not walking yet but also on his way! He loves to cruise around the furniture and yesterday I caught him standing on his own. I don't know that he knew he was doing it but he was doing it! AH!!! He is also saying 'mama' and 'dada', love it!

J&K together are so funny! Whether Kaleb is crawling over him, they are playing with the FP house with each other, playing drums together, eating....someone is always taking someone elses food off their tray :-P And along comes Gavin to encourage them to walk, crawl up the steps or come somewhere they probably shouldn't :-)

We are so blessed with these three healthy boys.....some days I just look at them in amazement and how wonderful they are.

I have to cut this short because I have lots to do to get ready for the birthday party! I will post pics later!

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