Monday, May 9, 2011

Big Boy bed, J&K first restaurant experience and Mothers day, whew!

We had quite the weekend! And such a good weekend!

We converted Gavin's bed Saturday morning into his 'big boy' bed and he loves it! We were both pretty nervous about it since we are quite used to having our full nights sleep back after the rough first 3 months with J&K lol We are on Day 3 with big boy bed and Gavin has done wonderful so far! I don't think he realizes that he can get out without our help..he still will ask for us to come get him. Fine by me! I have heard of other kids who do this but I thought certainly we wouldn't be that fortunate :-P Although I am guessing it is just a matter of time before he discovers his freedom....maybe :-)

For Mothers Day I wanted to us all to go to Deer Park for brunch, I love their Eggs Benedict!!! Marcin isn't always crazy about taking all 3 kids out...I admit it is stressful & chaotic at times but still it is doable, especially with two adults! So thankfully J&K's naps worked out and we all went to brunch. All the boys did a fabulous job! YAY!!!! J&K ate their yogurt. Kaleb was infatiated with this table of bikers sitting by us and pretty much stared at them the entire time trying to catch someone's eye so he could smile at them (Gavin used to this also!) Jakob was too busy checking every thing out and experiences all the difference noises of the cars going by and people. Gavin...well he was being his normal silly self, talking nonstop, asking for this and that and ready to go within 10 minutes. Thank goodness for cell phones and apps! :-) Brunch was delicious and we made home in time for J&K to nap with full tummies!!!!

Getting ready to go to brunch!
"The Circus" as Marcin likes to call us when we go out lol

Then that afternoon Marcin's parents came over and we grilled, YUMMY!!! I love warm weather and grilling :-D

It was a great busy weekend! And we are getting so much done around the house, I love it!!!! I was able to get to the Fabric Outlet and found some great chocolate brown fabric to recover our chairs, which are in desperate need....I mean they are WHITE! Didn't seem like a big deal when we bought the table and chairs years ago long before kids but with spills, splashes and squished unknown things....they get dirty quickly! So that is next on my list and also the foyer light!

I should be watching The Event but I am just too tired so I will have to catch it On Demand later, I need some sleep. It was a very long with a very whiny Kaleb (teeth) and Gavin asking me a million times "Mama, what u doing?' I have decided instead of asking "Why?' a million times, Gavin has decided he will just ask "MAma, what u doing?" silly boy!


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