Tuesday, January 3, 2012

what a day!! lol

And it's only 12:30! Jakob and Kaleb did not sleep well last night...I woke up this morning and I wasn't even sure who I heard crying! Marcin and I decided it was both of them at different times, lol The life with multiples!

Gavin has taken to sleeping in til about 8:00 lately...works for me!! It doesn't work when we need to be in the car by 8:30 to get him to school. So J&K slept til about 7:45, I got Gavin up...crammed breakfast down everyone's throats, changed clothes, shoes, coats, etc. We are finally ready and its later then I would like. Jakob is ready to go. As I am getting Kaleb ready with is coat, Jakob comes by...I get a whiff, phew!! He needs a new diaper. I hurry to change him. Then don't you know, as soon as I get Jakob dressed again...Kaleb walks by and sure enough, change him too. Finally we get everyone in the car and I forgot my cell phone. I turn around for that. On the way to school, someone who did not even bother to stop at the stop sign out of their development, pulls out in front of me. I was able to pass them and as I am passing, the guys starts moving over into MY lane to run me off the road!!! WTH?! Finally get Gavin to school, the teacher sees the frantic look on my face and bless her heart, comes out to help me with Gavin :-)

{Random thought} An old song that always reminds me of when Marcin and I met, Steve Holy's song "Good Morning Beautiful" came on this morning after I took Gavin to school. It brought back lots of fun memories and I still can't believe this year will be 10 years that I met him. craziness!!!

Jakob, Kaleb and I were meeting a friend for a playdate at a house I've never been before. The address seemed familiar and pretty straight forward. hmph...GPS took me the wrong way. It was very simple but welcome to my day....So we get there and it was a lot of fun! J&K had a blast and I got to meet some new people :-) This was my first playdate without Gavin.... I felt like I was missing limb. A few times my heart stopped because I couldn't see him, then I remembered he was school, DUH! lol

We leave to go pick Gavin up from school. It is freezing outside and super windy = gross! With J&K rear facing, it is easier for me to put them in their seats from the back of the swagger wagon. So I park the double stroller, put on the brake so it won't roll away, and start the process of getting these in their seats. Jakob wanted none of it! He is screaming, Kaleb is giggling because he is trying to run away. Gavin is laughing hysterically too....apparently he and Kaleb were in on this together! I turn around to get the stroller...IT IS GONE!!!! It has rolled halfway across the parking lot. A lady who is at least 30 weeks pregnant has chased my stroller across the parking lot. I wanted to take her out to lunch for chasing my stroller that pregnant and it being blustering cold outside! Stupid wind blew it...I know I put the brake on the stroller!! I always triple check because I worry about it rollling away while I am getting one of the twins in the car.

Needless to say...I am staying home for rest of day. It is safer that way! Looking forward to everyone napping so I can get myself back together! :-)

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