Saturday, January 21, 2012

These boys....crack me up!

Seriously, it is so much fun at our house! It is crazy and loud but so much fun, especially lately! Gavin seems to be adjusting to being 3 years old. The first 6 months of the 3's were challenging :-P J&K are playing chase, baseball, basketball, tee ball, catch and are so much more active. Gavin is loving this because he has full time play partners. Of course, there is still the fighting and taking of toys but I am guessing that will be always be the case :-P

For Christmas, Ciocia (Aunt in Polish) got sleeping bags for the boys! Well actually they were completely sold out so gift cards and we ordered them a couple weeks ago. There was a choice of a rhinoceros or lion. I let Gavin have the first pick, being that the rhinoceros had a green background, green being his favorite color, he picked the rhino. I then asked him which one for Kaleb, he picked the lion. So I asked which one for Jakob, he picked the lion for him also. The sleeping bags finally arrived last week....Gavin has taken every nap and gone to sleep for bedtime in his sleeping bag. It has also become a good bargaining chip when he doesn't want to listen lol Now if only he would learn how to zip himself up in the sleeping bag, we would be good. He needs our help for that part :-P
Aren't they cute? Pottery barn :-) Gavin is also thrilled it has his name on it. This has been another of his lastest favorite things, items with his name on it. He is also pretty good at writing his name :-) Quite often at our house Gavin has to share....just about everything. So when he sees something with HIS name on it, he says that is his and he doesn't have to share. I will give him that. Poor kid can't catch a break when he is playing with something....either Jakob or Kaleb (or both) are coming over to bother him or try to take it away from him. This is obviously frustrating to him...and me, and Marcin :-P So the other day I had a brilliant idea! I had an extra storage bag, I wrote Gavin's name on it and I explained to him that it was his special bag. During the day, if there are certain toys he wants to play with by himself and keep to himself then he must keep them in that bag. The toys can change daily of what goes in the bag. But I just feel like he needs something of his own that he doesn't have to share. Believe me....we talk about sharing ALL DAY LONG at our house. But at the same time, the boys also need to know that they have their own things. Does this make sense? eh it does to me lol

Jakob is very very silly!!! He has become such a lovable little guy...he will run up and hug your legs, wrap his arms around your neck and give you a big open mouth drooly kiss (EW but still cute!). And he get so jealous when someone else is sitting myself or Marcin, he must run up and make himself comfy as well :-) Lately Jakob's favorite game is peek a boo...he loves it! And he loves to play it while hiding in the pantry. Or behind the curtains (as if we can't see his feet!). Yesterday I caught him on camera,

Where is Jakob?!?!

THERE HE IS!!!! lol

And then of course, Kaleb had to come see what all the fuss was about, so he pushed Jakob further in the pantry to make room for himself :-P

We are in so much trouble! LOL

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