Sunday, January 8, 2012

More ear infections and other updates :-)

First I have some exciting news!!!! My friend, Keeley, asked me to be the Godmother to her son Owen! I am so excited and feel so honored she asked me :-) I am really hoping to be able to make it to his baptism in Chicago. I am due for a visit for many reasons!! We haven't seen each in about 2 years....we have been busy with babies!

I am 98% sure that Gavin's ear infection is not gone....he did two weeks of antibiotics. Last Friday I noticed drainage from his right ear (he does not have tubes) and then on Saturday he had drainage from left ear. A mild fever and snotty *sigh.* Jakob had an ear recheck a week ago and his ears were fine. Two days he starts pulling on his right ear (the ear the tube fell out of), mild fever, snotty and still pulling on ear. I thought maybe it was teething and/or cold. Kaleb is fine, I would think after a week of being around Jakob, sharing sippy cups, drool, etc. that if it were a cold...Kaleb would be snotty too. So Gavin and Jakob will be going back to the pediatrician tomorrow. I called over the weekend to get Gavin started on meds so he has two days of antibiotics.

When I had Jakob at the doc Monday, we had a little heart to heart about Jakob's mouth breathing. I am not happy with our pediatrician's answers or the ENT doctor's answer, neither are concerned. I think it is great that doctors don't get worked up over things but at some point, concerns need to be addressed. I explained to our doc that after 15-20 minutes of playing Jakob starts to sounds like he is on the verge of an asthma attack....wheezing, can't catch his breath, coughing. He sounds terrible...this is not normal. I am concerned. So our pediatrician suggests that since I think it is asthma, he could prescribe an asthma medication and see if its helps. I have two big issues with 1) he is not an asthma specialist 2) 'since I think it is asthma...I am most certainly not a doctor! wth?! I shared these issues with him in a more tactful manner but seriously....he has clearly reached his limits, admit it and move on! Instead he continues to tell how children are not normally diagnosed with asthma this young, blah, blah. I told him I still was not happy with that answer and what about x-rays for adenoids. (thanks to some FB friends, I learned quite a bit!). He said that sounded great to get a throat x-ray and chest x-ray. Gee where is my copay? That works for me....we should have the x-rays in time for the asthma/allergist doctor I made an appt with for 1/30. Hopefully we can get some answers there. If not, we will move onto a pulmonologist. I am very glad that our pediatrician has added a new doc that I really like because the main doc is not making me happy right now :-P

We finally got all Christmas decor taken down and put away, sheesh!! It is much more fun putting it up! I was also able to get some closets organized. Next on my list is the office! It is a disaster, along with the laundry room. The laundry room is always a disaster. I always wish that one day I will open the door to either room and it will magically be clean and stay that way :-D A girl can dream. House is least when the boys are sleeping. I swear they are awake for 15 minutes and its like a hurricane came through!

I attempted to cut J&K's hair last week. I have tried this before with just scissors to trim it around their ears and back of neck. It makes me nervous but I want to at least try to see if I can get good at it for now, otherwise it will be $25-30 for them every 4-5 weeks. Thats adds up after a few hair cuts. are my first attempts with clippers. I am not very good at blending the back but I think I did ok.....

Kaleb has normal hair, except for the dramatic sweep on the front lol He had a part from the day he was born and his hair always goes that way!! He would not sit still for anything....I had to feed him mini reese's peanut butter cups to get him to sit still :-P

Jakob has fine, whispy hair and felt like I was trying to give a bunny a hair cut! I thought for sure he would fight me and give me a hard time but he sat really still, except for when he threw his back while I was using the clippers which resulted in a rectangle shape in the back of his head. So I had to cut that a lil bit shorter than I had planned. Turned out ok.

Practice makes perfect right? I will try again. If I don't figure it out by the time they start preschool, then I will take them to the barber that cuts Gavin's hair, LOL

We haven't been doing anything exciting. Just playing with the boys. Gavin hasn't felt so great but he has been very loveable lately :-) The other day he was cutting out volcanoes and I was folding laundry. He says to me, "Mommy, I miss you!!! Come cuddle with me!" um can I resist that?! This was followed by a night of big hugs and him telling me "Mommy, I love you so very much!" Melt my heart :-D He is learning so much at school and coming home with all these new sayings and things I haven't heard before. I love it!!! I think he is done with napping...which is fine. He has been napping since he doesn't feel great but once he is better, he probably will stop. He will still have 'rest' time in his room. A friend had a great suggestion for rest time. She got 7 bins (one for each day of the week) and put in puzzles, matching games, sequencing, lacing...quiet activities for her son to do during his 'resting' time. I thought this was a great idea!! I have a few quiet activities already and a few others I was able to get at Target toy clearance sale :-) I will post pics when I get them altogether, I think he is going to enjoy it!

Jakob is a cuddle monster! He absolutely loves to give hugs....I am talking wrap his little arms tightly around your neck and hold on for dear life, type of hugs! And mouth, drool kisses but it's a starting point :-) He is gesturing for things he wants, signing a couple words, loves to play peek a boo with anyone who will amuse him, dancing as soon as he hears a beat, plays chase with you. Tonight he was putting the basketball in the basket. Then Gavin got out his tee ball stand, ball and bat. He watched Gavin do it a couple times and decided he wanted to try....he did a great job!

Kaleb is getting more and more adventerous! He discovered Gavin's step stool and carries it around to where he wants to climb. Whether it is in the kitchen to see whats on countertop, a table he needs to climb onto, the couch, etc. He has no problem climbing on the playset outside...he climbs right to the top and loves to slide! He will sometimes go down on his bottom, sometimes on his tummy with head OR feet first...aye yay yay!!! The kid has no fear! He is constantly on the go like Gavin was at his age :-) Gavin wasn't a climber though. I am not used to the climbing! He also loves to play chase. Usually all of the boys are running around the house in circles screaming and sound in the world!
Kaleb is also discovering many new foods and he is loving that!! There isn't much he won't try....he will try it and if he doesn't like it, it comes back out. For example, last night we had some friends over and I cooked ribs. I had a couple on my plate sitting by Kaleb....he starts reaching for them. I gave him one....
He LOVED it!!!! He had another one for dinner tonight and cleaned it to the bone!!! He is too funny! It is so unusual for us to have a child that will eat anything! Gavin was never like it and still won't try new things unless we bribe him with something. He is becoming quite demanding and bossy with his wants/needs, very cute!

The boys are having more and more fun together! They still have 'disagreements' throughout the day but the good times make it all better! I need to get to bed....I am getting up at 5:30 a.m. tomorrow so I can get my workout in before everyone wakes up. I did it last week and I was so proud of myself!!! I am also starting story time at the library tomorrow with J&K. At first I was going to take Jakob for the first session and then Kaleb but then a friend suggested I alternate weeks...I think I willl do that instead!

Have a good week!!! and if you made it this far, thanks :-)

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