Friday, August 10, 2012

Finally...the Ferarri and other fun things :-)

Last year for Marcin's birthday, I got THE perfect gift! lol I had my eye on this for a wedding gift but it was $400 an hour, ridiculous!!! I have to thank Groupon for this deal! I got the email and bought it immediately! We went out to dinner with a group of friends and I gave him the gift, he was speechless. This was the 3rd time in 10 years I have seen him speechless...the 1st was the Redskins groom cake at our rehearsal dinner. The 2nd was in triage when my OB said it was time to take me to OR to deliver twins. The 3rd was giving him an hour to drive a Ferrari. It was a great reaction!

We had a little bit of a hard time finding the time to get there for him to drive it but we did it! We were a little concerned that we would get there and be given a 1985 model to drive LOL Thankfully it was not an 1985 model, it was a 2009 Ferarri California convertible :-)
Pretty, isn't it?! To rent this car for a day costs $2200!!! To purchase it starts at $190,000. I get it, it s a Ferrari but I wasn't that least not $190,000 impressed :-P This Groupon was through Imagine Lifestyles and they require one of their drivers to ride with you. Marcin wasn't thrilled about it but luckily the guy riding with him let him open it up and get the car up to 100mph and whip it around like they do in the movies :-) I was so happy he had fun and enjoyed it!

I also got him a Lamborghini rental for Father's day...I figure you just can't drive too many exotic cars, right? :-)

For my latest big news, I scheduled it.....the tummy tuck is officially on the calendar! And I am officially terrified lol I have met with the plastic surgeon twice because the first time was pretty overwhelming with all the information. That was a little over a year ago. I met with him again a couple of months ago because I had thought of more questions and wanted more detail on the surgery and recovery time. I really like the doctor, he is straight forward and doesn't paint a pretty picture to make it all seem more appealing. He laid out the surgery in probably more detail than I needed and told me that I will not like him...matter of fact I will be very angry with him the first 36-48 hours or so but he will give me excellent pain killers :-) Gee..thanks, I think lol

As much as it scares me, any type of surgery scares me, I cannot wait to be able to wear normal fitting clothes again and say good bye to the what my friend and I have dubbed, 'the kangaroo pouch' :-) I have three kids and I am 34 years old....I don't want to look like a 21 year old, I just want to feel good in my own body again. Nothing wrong with that. The big day is January 11, 2013. Doc says at least 3 weeks of recovery and a good 8 weeks of no heavy lifting. The boys already get themselves in their carseats...if they decide to listen, hmph. This was one of my main concerns. It will be winter so there shouldn't be too much going on, Gavin will be in school 3 mornings a week. J&K will be approaching 2.5 years old....craziness!!!

I have many projects to work on in the next 5 months! I still have not had time to start on our bathrooms upstairs. I have grand plans...not really, just some painting, new light fixtures and paint cabinets. I just need to find the time to start on it. We have managed to replace the foyer light, moved the fish tank to basement and Marcin did a great job building fish tank into wall. It looks great!!! We got a new shelving unit for upstairs in place of fish tank, super cute! I have been trying to reorganize our office and kitchen to make it more user friendly. I feel like we are constantly putting things up high to keep out of reach of little hands and things just pile up and up and up and up and up. Drives me nuts, too much clutter...I need things to have a place so they are there next time I need them! Slowly but surely, I am getting there :-)
I need to print a lot of pictures for canvas and framing. We would like to tile the half bath downstairs. Finish decorating our room. Build a storage unit under deck for outside things like mower, tools and Gavin Jeep. We keep it in the basement but I cannot pull it up steps during day when Marcin is at work so we need somewhere out back to keep it because it does not fit in the garage and we are not leaving our cars out of the garage for a Power Wheels Jeep! lol

The boys are silly as ever!!! Some days I just sit back and I am truly amazed that they are ours :-) We are so blessed to have them in our lives. Other days, I won't lie....I would love for them all to take a really long nap and give me a break. It isn't easy having 3, well 4, people needing you all the time. I just need some quiet time with no one asking me for anything, at all LOL But then when I get that quiet time, its too quiet and I don't know what to do with myself. figures LOL

Gavin has really been testing his limits lately. I try to be patient, I really really do. But it is proving to be hard when he is constantly telling me, "NO!! I DON'T WANT TOO!" Or he isn't listening, taking things from his brothers when I repeatedly tell him to ask first. Then he will turn around like someone flipped a switch and give me the sweetest hug and kisses that all is forgotten :-) He has such a sweet heart. I was making cookies today and I asked him if he wanted the cookies to be green (his favorite color and he excitedly says, YES PLEASE!!!! He was so excited just to have green cookies especially for him. He then explains to me that because he is now 4 years old, he would need to eat 4 green cookies. I see his reasoning here :-)

All Kaleb does is talk, talk, talk, talk, talk :-) Remember when I was worried because he wasn't talking? I knew it...I knew I would regret that worry, lol He has the cutest little voice and I love it when he says, 'mommmmmy' He says it all day long and has really been a momma's boy lately...he won't let me out of his sight! And wants me to hold him all day long, I don't think he realizes his 33lb self is heavy! lol It is absolutely adorable when he climbs up in my lap and cuddles, he is the best cuddler (shhhh....don't tell his brothers!) but he always has been! He just seems to love it! He had to snuggle with Gavin today while he was looking at a photo book and he proceeded to point out everyone he knew in the book :-) Kaleb loves to read or look at any book!

Jakob is talking also! He has a lot to say and is doing great with his speech therapy! He gives the best hugs....he wraps his arms around you so tight and squeezes!!! We love it! Jakob loves to help with things..if Marcin is working on something like fixing a toy, building something....jakob is right in the middle with a screwdriver trying to help out. He seems to be the comedian of the bunch. He is the most dramatic of the bunch also but his contagious laugh makes up for it :-)

I need to get to sleep....REALLY hoping J&K sleep well tonight. Kaleb seems to be working on some 2 year molars and Jakob seems to finally be getting his eye teeth :-P


  1. 33lbs?! Neither of my children weigh 33lbs!!! Goodness!

  2. Glad y'all are all doing good! Come to Starkville and do some projects at my house :)!
