Tuesday, December 6, 2011

J&K 15 month stats

J&K had their 15 month appt today :-) They are doing great and seem to be developing right on target for their age!

Kaleb weighs 28lbs (90%) and is 32.5 inches (90%).

Jakob weighs 23lbs (25%) and is 32 inches (75%).

It still amazes me that 5 lbs makes such a difference because Kaleb feels significantly heavier to me than Jakob :-P

Kaleb is in between 18-24 month clothes while Jakob is just getting into 18 months for length but pants are usually too big for his skinny lil waist, hehe

When they were born, I was hoping Kaleb would be able to pass his shoes onto Jakob. Kaleb's foot is about half a size larger than Jakob's. Kaleb's foot is also fat and wide, coming in at a size 6.5 wide. Thankfully Gavin had the same big feet when he was Kaleb's age so at least Kaleb will be able to wear a few of those. Jakob has a little narrow foot at size 5.5 so he will not be able to wear Kaleb's shoes once he grows out of them *sigh* Oh well, I was hoping to save a little money in the shoe department but honestly once Gavin hit about 2 y/o, he destroyed most of his shoes. I kept the ones that were in decent shape so the boys can use them as outside shoes and beat them up some more :-P

They showed the doctor all their climbing tricks while we were at the office :-P Kaleb pulled every toy from the bin and shoved it in the doctors face so she could see. Jakob would run up to her and start laughing :-P Goof balls! They did not get any vaccinations today. They have been feeling miserable enough and are still coughing, so I was not adding to that with vax side effects and injection soreness. Not to mention, they aren't getting any of those vax right now anyways. I forgot the 15 month vax are Hep A (they can get that when they are much older if they want to), Chicken Pox (they can get that before preschool) and MMR. We held off on the MMR for Gavin...not due to the false research study about it linked to autism but simply because it is 3 live viruses at once. That thought alone just doesn't sit well with me. Add that to them being so young....we just don't feel they need that at 15 months. Gavin got his MMR at 2 y/o. The day after he got it, I was terrified because he woke feeling awful with 103 fever and very lethargic. Come to find out...he had hand, foot, mouth virus but my first thought was side effects from the vax.....scared me to death! J&K can follow in Gavin's foot steps and get the MMR at 2 y/o...but hopefully not the hand, foot mouth :-P

Our kids get their vax but they get them on our schedule, not what is convenient for the doctor :-P I keep up with what they need and when. They will usually get 2 vax at one appt and we go back in the next month of so for the other two. If the kids were in daycare, we would probably think differently but because they are home with me. I just don't understand why they need them all so quickly! I remember getting vaccines when I was younger but not this much. I remember when Gavin was born, I was reading Dr. Sears book and one fact stood out. In 1980, kids in the US received 10 vaccinations by age 6. Currently, kids are suggested to get 36 vaccinations by age 6!

On another note, I am pretty sure I have a fractured rib. You are probably laughing at me right now but I am serious!!! I had the annoying cough for the last 4 weeks. A couple of weeks ago, my ribs on the right side were really hurting....alot. Especially when I coughed. The coughing has gotten much better but my ribs have not. So I went to good 'ole WebMD and self-diagnosed myself with a fractured rib :-P There isn't much I can do but take alleve so it won't hurt so badly.

The boys seem to be feeling better so that is a relief! I will enjoy their better moods and healthiness (is that a word?!) while I can because I am sure something else will come along....tis the season!

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