Wednesday, December 14, 2011

I had such grand plans....

....for nap time but then I get the boys in their beds and I lose all motivation, get distracted (by blogging) or just lose track of time!

The house is a mess, as it is every day at this time. Clutter, clutter and more clutter! I hate clutter. It drives me nuts! And I have a pile of laundry already...when I was pretty sure I finished it all (wash/dry/fold/put away) yesterday only to find another 3-4 loads piled in the laundry room. I cannot imagine the loads of laundry I will have as the boys get older and start activities! oh vey!

I finally got all of my out of town Christmas gifts out! whew! Cutting it close but I did it! More baking & yummy things to make this weekend. My friend shared a yummy treat with us last Christmas or maybe Christmas before last of the Rolos and pretzels...I must have been under a rock for these because once I discovered them, it seemed everyone new about them! Lol On Pinterest I saw something similar but with M&M's on top....the ones on Pinterest used round pretzels but I couldn't find them so I did the square, rolos and M&M. I made them for Gavin's Christmas show at school yesterday. They turned out cute & festive!

Gavin was too funny at his Christmas show. They have been practicing for about 3-4 weeks. I have heard bits and pieces of songs at home so I had an idea what his class was singing. I wasn't too sure what he would do once on the stage and saw all the people in the audience:-P Surprisingly, he stayed there and was still. He didn't sing or do the motions for Away in a Manger, he had his hands in his pockets!!! He is just too cool for that sort of thing :-P He seems to be really enjoying this school. I feel like we made a good decision and things worked out for the best.

Back to the baking. I also decided to try making body sugar scrubs. Another idea from Pinterest (love it!) and I think they turned out pretty well. I added some Peppermint to make them festive. I was mixing them and asked Marcin to come help me. It was tough to get the sugar and oil to blend well. This probably won't surprise you but he came up with this brilliant idea...and I do mean brilliant, it worked perfectly!! He put one of the mix beater on his Dewalt :-P

So you may have seen on FB the other day that I took all baby gates down except for the ones on the steps. This may have been a moment of insanity and I am starting to slip, please everyone keep close tabs on me just in case this is how it starts :-P We had a gate at the entrance to dining room and one at the entrance to foyer from family room. This blocked off the front of the house. As some of you saw on FB, Kaleb figured out how to slide under it thanks to his big brother Gavin :-P Marcin went to Home Depot to get some plexiglass to attach to bottom but we never got around to it, imagine that! So once Kaleb would slide under....Jakob would run over and either cry or start climbing the gate because he wanted to go too!!! So then I would open said gate...this would lead to Kaleb opening/closing the gate with Jakob on the other side and someones fingers would get squished, fall down, etc. = more crying/screaming. GEEZ Let's add to this mayhem Gavin also trying to climb the gate while J&K are somewhere around the bottom.

Someone find me a glass of wine!!!!!!

So Monday I said screw it...I quickly assessed the front rooms, decided it was relatively safe and if I missed anything, I was positive the boys would point it out or fall off of it :-P This is day #3 without the gates and I have to say, so far so good. I would have never taken the gates down for Gavin at this age.....absolutely NOT!!! These gates were up til Gavin was 2.5y/o! It was treat to go to the front of house for him, hehe This is a big step for me! I find that I have become a tiny bit more relaxed the second time around :-P Today Kaleb let me know that the piano bench needed to go in the office....he somehow manged to climb on top of the seat and was trying to climb onto the piano. See? I told you they would show me. Oh and I had to take the drawer out of the coffee table because Kaleb was opening it and sitting in it. They don't bother the tree though, we are thinking of moving it to the family room after all :-) J&K would pull the ornaments off at first but then I guess the novelty wore off :-P

That's all that is new in our world. I am almost done Christmas shopping :-) I need to wrap, assemble toys and get a couple more things. I cannot believe Christmas is in 11 days. How is that possible?

Please keep my younger brother Reh and his team in your thoughts and prayers as they leave this weekend on a mission trip to China for two weeks.

I need this house straightened up. And go hide some Christmas presents :-)

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