Monday, November 7, 2011

Our little leprechaun!

What a day! this time change is kicking my butt....boys were up around 5:30 today : / I REALLY hope by end of the week we will be back to normal. J&K were dropping their morning nap but not right now. With getting up so early, they are ready for a nap by 8:30! 

Today I am thankful for online shopping! Marcin probably isn't but it is so much easier for me to get online, find what I need/want and order. Much, much easier than trying to figure out the boys eating/naps/who is cranky or happy at that particular time, loading car, unloading, etc. Online shopping is great!

Then tonight after dinner, we were cleaning up kitchen. J&K really enjoy playing in my spice cabinet. They pull them all out to shake them (while closed!), roll them, stack them, etc.  eh hem...I forgot that there was green food coloring in there also. And even if I had remembered, I would have never have thought Jakob would be able to open it. hehe I turn around and see all these green spots on the floor. uh oh! Then I look at Jakob and both of the palm of his hands are bright green! He either starting to turn into the Hulk or a Leprechaun! I scrubbed his hands, soaked them in the bath....tried everything safe I could think of and! I managed to get a good bit off one hand but the other hand, not so much. And his face, I got it all off his face. It wasn't quite as concentrated on his face as it was in his hands.

So if you see us out and you get a good glimpse of Jakob's hands, don't judge :-P This is the best pic I could get....he wouldn't sit still.

Oh and I got a fun surprise in the mail today! It wasn't supposed to be here for a couple of weeks. We had some Sony CC points to use and I wanted to get a smaller camera to carry out with us. I love our Canon ( technically Marcin's Canon) but it is big. The case makes it even bigger and just too big to carry when we go out or to other events where we want to take a few pictures. So we got another DSLR but it is size of a point and shoot with a big ole lens on it! It looks a little funny but will definitely fit in my purse and has all sorts of fun features I am excited to learn!

ok must get to bed since is past two mornings are any indication, I will be up early tomorrow :-P well I also need a snack, play with camera and read. And it's already 9:00!!! that's late! lol have a good night :-D

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