Monday, October 29, 2012

Go Away Sandy!!!

So I figured while waiting on storm, I would catch up on my blog!!! My younger brother kindly pointed out it has been a couple of months....I knew this but I feel like we just celebrated J&K's birthday a couple of weeks ago, not TWO months ago!

I am sure you all have been super sad of my absence and your life has been incomplete ;-)

We are anxiously waiting to see what kind of punch Sandy is going to deliver. The latest news is that she again shifted south towards our area and expected landfall is between 6-8 tonight *sigh* We will definitely be moving downstairs to the basement. I am little pissed that New Jersey and PA are constantly mentioned in the news but no one says a word about Delaware, HELLO!!!?!?! We are between the two but no mention of our coast line on the major news channel. I am thinking they deserve a letter from disgruntled watcher. HMPH

We have been busy as usual around here! Marcin and I had a fun wedding in Dewey Beach mid-september. was a lot of fun! We even got to stay the night! WOOP! The wedding was on the beach and the band was fantastic. I don't usually like band but this band was like 311 and was singing anything from Bell Biv Devoe to Nicky Minaj, awesome!

Then the following weekend I had a night way with some great friends. We also went to the beach. It rained but we made the best of it and still had a fun time! We were able to go out to dinner and eat uninterrupted and slowly. It was fantastic! We also went to shop at the outlets and took.our.time!!!! Yes we browsed in Aerie for probably an hour....why? because we had no where to be! Amazing! By the time we finished a delicious dinner at Salt Air (seriously....if you are ever in rehoboth, GO THERE!!! I had chorizo grilled shrimp with cheese grits, YUM!!!) They also do NOT skimp on the alcohol! I ordered a cosmos because I didn't have to drive or get up early, so I decided to live on the edge lol Well the cosmo came out in the shaker....a full shaker (read: at least 3 full glasses, yikes!) I finished it...and a few shots later, oi vey:-P at almost 35 years old, you think I would have learned by now LOL The next day, we got up (When we wanted too =0) and had some brunch and went shopping, again! was a fantastic 27 hours :-)

On another note, I believe I convinced Marcin for us to stay put in our house. He has some issues that he doesn't like with neighborhood, neighbors, yard size, etc. But let's face it, grass is always greener. I think the only way either of use would be completely happy would be to build the house ourselves on about 5 acres :-) We can we are back to my ever growing pinterest list of ideas I come up with that I NEED to do in the house lol The way I see it.....we are going to be here for a while, let's make it the way WE want it. We bought the house at peak of market and we are not going to make any money off house....maybe if we add some unique but sellable features, it will separate our house from the other cookie cutter houses in the neighborhood. We would like granite in kitchen, tile the powder room and morning room, extend master shower into sitting room and make sitting room into a pretty, girly closet for me :-) And a few other things here and there. We will get there eventually if we can find the time, keep kids healthy and not have anymore hurricanes, hmph.

The boys....oh our silly, fun loving, energetic boys :-) They are doing great! Driving me a little nutty but I love them all the same. Gavin started 4 y/o preschool. The first few weeks were a little rough. He didn't want to go but he seems to be adjusting. He was also having some big tantrums and mood swings. I didn't know what to do....but the tantrums, screaming and back talking wasn't working for me (or Marcin). He stopped napping a few months ago. Sometimes he may take the occasional snooze once a week but otherwise he has 'rest time' for a couple hours while J&K nap. So by 5-6:00 p.m., he was a cranky,tired mess. But if we got in bed by 8:30...he would not be able to settle down until close to 10:00 for sleep. This seemed a little late to me, so we started trying to get him in his room by 7:00-7:15 on school nights. This put him usually asleep by 8:30....muuuucccch better :-D He wakes up earlier but so what....he is in a good mood and not falling out every hour = happy mama!
Gavin has also been doing great at his drum lessons! He really enjoys his time with Mr. Bryan at Drum School :-) I love to watch him because he listens so well and focuses on what he is learning. I hear him practicing it at home. He also likes to turn on music and then try to pick out the beats so he can play along his drums. Alot of the guys at the music store are in a band and are constantly commenting on how good he is for his age....makes me so very proud! His teacher tells me how he can hear/see Gavin's natural rhythm when he is just playing around. This combined with the structure he learns from lesson could make him into a professional drummer one day, if he keeps with it. If he continues to like, we are all for it! Of course, he would have to pick one of the most expensive instruments to play lol I keep looking at J&K because they are the same age as Gavin was when they were born and it a few months before this that Gavin's interest in drums/music really started coming out.

Kaleb is a funny kid with zero fear! seriously....the child will try just about anything and jump from just about anything. The funny thing is he seems to be very agile. He just rolls into a fall or jump. He doesn't normally cry when he lands on his head, just laughs and gets up to do it again! His speech is never ending! He points out everything over and over again! I do love making him food because he always give me a big, "YUM!" when he likes something which is just about everything. love that!He still loves his books, trains and cuddling with stuffed animals. Gavin was never interested in stuffed animals...Kaleb usually has a crib full to cuddle with :-) He is growing so quickly. I find myself seeing J&K as my babies and they shouldn't get big like Gavin lol But at his 2 year appt., he was 34 inches tall and 33lbs. Clothes -2t and shoes around 9 or 9.5! And he loves his brothers.....he is so cute when helping Jakob with something or listening to Gavin teach him something. love, love, love <3

Jakob....our passionate child :-D Jakob is the sweetest, most helpful child. He loves for me to pick him up and he will give me a BIG two arm hug followed by lots of kisses!!! however, when he gets mad....forget it. DRAMA....oops sorry, the passionate side of him develops ;-) He is so stubborn and strong willed!!! Kaleb and Gavin have simliar laidback personalities. Jakob....not so much. Must be the blue eyes lol If you tell him not to do something....he does it. He will walk by while someone is playing with trains or blocks...knock them over and keep going with smirk on his face :-P
He is really improving with his speech! He has so many more words, we are just working on him pronouncing them correctly. Continuous work in progress that I think he will be successful with, his speech therapist is great and he really looks forward her coming to play:-)

Those are all the updates I can think of for now....I am sure I am forgettting a lot but I am getting a little anxious for this storm and need to get some things down in the basement while i can still think cleary and boys are still upstairs!

Keep us in your prayers....we need lots!!! TIA! I am REALLY going to try and be better about blogging. I like it but these boys have been keeping me ridiculously busy lately!

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