Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Our beach escape!

It was fantastic!! I don't know about Marcin but I felt very refreshed when we got home:-) We decided we must do it more often and then we remembered that have two weddings coming up in September and December where we will need to stay over so we will be doing it again (assuming we can talk someone into staying!), YAY!!!

It was SO nice riding in the fun car on way to the beach, loving that car!!!

We got to Rehoboth and I of course, was hungry :-P We stopped by Grotto's for a slice, still not sure what all the fuss is about over Grotto's pizza. Give me Papa John's or the pizza place by my dad's anyday! This was drink #1 for me, at 4:00 in the afternoon! =0 I had a sweet tea lemonade, soooooo yummy! Marcin however was feeling a little frisky and got a bucket of Red Stripe.

That is 3 beers altogether. For some reason, he thought I would be helping him with those beers.Um not so much being that my tolerance is ZERO, pretty sure he didn't want me passed out the entire time we were away lol He finished them all by himself! We walked the boardwalk to do some people watching and then found a great deck to sit and have more drinks. He talked me into a raspberry cosmo...it wasn't that hard to twist my arm, hehe, it was delicious!

After that, it was definitely nap time at 7:00p.m.! I haven't taken a nap that late in years! We were trying to find a place for dinner, not really knowing where to go except that we wanted seafood. We ended up at Fins and it was delicious!! The service was amazing, I really can't say enough about our good experience there!

 Our server was asking us what we did that day, what brought us to the beach, etc. Then he comes back with 3 Fireball shots, oh vey!!! what? I couldn't say no? lol I think he said it was cinnamon schnapps and some sort of whiskey. I figured after that there was no point in stopping my alcohol intake because let's be honest, after my first drink earlier in afternoon....I was still going to feel like I had 8 drinks the next day, so I might as well enjoy it while I can :-P After dinner, we crashed a wedding party at the Summer House, really good people watching there LOL Drunk people make me laugh!
And then, this was probably my favorite part, we got to sleep in!!!!!! WOO HOO!!!! We leisurely got up, walked around to find a breakfast spot (and some advil for my head), got the boys some hermit crabs and came home. I was excited to see the boys and I think my sister in law and her son were excited to see us too since they stayed with the boys while we were gone. It has been 2 days since we got back, hopefully they have fully recovered their sleep by now :-) (THANK YOU GUYS FOR WATCHING THEM!!!) Here are some pics she snapped while we were gone, they look like they missed us terribly, doesn't it?!

 I am sure she had to dry the tears from their faces before taking the pics ;-)

We really had a great time, it was nice to have some time with Marcin without the kiddos. We love them dearly but they all want our attention all the time so sometimes it is hard for us to be....us. By the time we get them all in bed, we are beat. We are pretty good with our date nights but I realized after our night away that we need to get away also because its important for US to be happy for our family to stay happy :-)

Speaking of families, this cracked me up!

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