Friday, May 4, 2012

It's not slowing down.....

Usually after Christmas....January and February are sort of a lull with not much going on. That wasn't so this year. So I figured eventually things HAD to slow down at some point, right? Hmm....not so much. I am starting to think this is life for a family of five :-) There is always something going, somewhere to go and something to do while you have time :-) I guess I should just start stocking up on wine and roll with it, right? hehe

It has a a been a couple of weeks since I blogged! So long in fact that Blogger has apparently all new settings that are way too complicated for my brain to process at 6:00 a.m. and only half a cup of coffee! maybe later because it looks like some fun new additions! I woke up at 5:30 a.m. all by myself today....this may have to do with the fact that since the new year I have been getting up btw 5:30-6:00 to either exercise or get my shower (some days both!) in before everyone wakes up or I just couldn't sleep today because Gavin has his surgery to get his adenoids removed and tubes placed in his ears.

Over the winter Gavin had constant ear and sinus infections. Then once we met with ENT to review his x-ray which showed that his adenoids were huge and he was thoroughly tested for 31 allergens, only to be mildly allergic to mold which didn't not explain all his issues. So ENT suggested to definitely remove adenoids and we might as well get tubes placed while he is under in hopes of that getting him through this years winter...we shall see. I hear so many stories of tubes seeming to fall out of the older kids and then having to be replaced :/ ENT also believes removing adenoids and tubes will help decrease the amount of fluid constantly in Gavin's ear and hopefully he will be able to hear better once the fluid can drain properly. And by removing the adenoids he should have less sinus/ear infections and his voice will even out instead of sounding nasally. His surgery is at 1:00 and we need to be at hospital by 12:00. He cannot eat anything but jello or clear liquids until 10:00, after that....nada :-( That is the part I worry about most. And him waking up in recovery...that part seems to be really tough for the kids. I will be there waiting for him and we put together a fun little goody bag for him with some Super Hero Rescue Squad books, DVD, a spiderman blanket and stickers :-) He has really been starting to get into Super Heros lately. Especially Spiderman and Ironman, so cute! Although I watched a Spiderman episode on demand the other day just to inappropriate for anyone under 15 or maybe even older. One chick was talking about Peter Parker coming after her because once she got to the water, she was getting naked! WHAT?! Sorry....I like Gavin's current Nick Jr./Disney bubble :-) I know, I know....we can't protect him forever but I feel like anything goes on TV lately.

Gavin got his 3 y/o preschool evaluation yesterday, hehe!!! He got an "M" (Mastered) in everything but paying attention and 'using his manners without being reminded." Paying attention section was also followed up by a comment stating he tends to get easily distracted with other activities going on in room." yep...that's gavin :-P I was a little surprised by the manners because he usually used his manners well but it was furthered explained that when he wants something, he says, "I want..." instead of asking, "May I have...." this is true so I guess we will be working on that. He is great at holding doors for everyone :-P Overall, I am happy with his school this year. I think he has learned alot both academically and socially. I thought he would have picked up more negative behaviors than he did, so for that I am thankful lol

Kaleb is doing great! I know I have said this before but the kid is so silly! He loves to jump out and get you from behind a wall and will giggle to no end! He is just a big teddy bear and allows Jakob to jump/crawl all over him. Which is funnny because if you would have asked me a year ago, I would say Kaleb would be more dominant when it comes to physical play but he isn't. He still loves to cuddle too which is the cutest thing ever! He is starting to use more words and definitely knows a lot, he can point out or show you just about anything you ask him to. But he isn't repeating words you ask him too unless it is easy like dada, mama, more,down, etc.  No worries...he still gets his wants/needs across just fine! Kaleb can also be pretty spiteful when it comes to toys and snacks. Even if he doesn't want something, he will still try to take it from Jakob or Gavin just to prove that he can. He will take and grin. Yesterday Gavin was sitting with me watching a show and Kaleb kept pointing to my lap where Gavin was sitting. I told Kaleb it was Gavin's turn...apparently I am not to be shared. If someone is sitting with me.....Gavin, Jakob or Kaleb, only one person at a time. So Kaleb proceeded to climb up until he was just about sitting on my shoulder. All the while Gavin telling Kaleb to stop it, it was his turn. lol Lately, Kaleb has been very much into diggers, dump trucks, tractor trailers, etc. In the car, he will repeatedly ask, pretty loudly, "WHAT'S THAT?!" If he sees a digger that is on, he gets so excited! He has been reminding me a lot of Gavin also with his shyness. Gavin will sing away, play the drums and rock out if he thinks you aren't watching but as soon as you catch his eye...he will immediately stop and ask me to look away. Kaleb does similiar if you catch him doing something :-P

Jakob also doing great! Removing his adenoids seemed to really help him out! He has been sick but once since he had his surgery in february! He did start to have some coughing/congestion a while ago but pediatrician suggested starting singulair and within 3-4 days, he wasn't coughing anymore! YAY!!! He still loves to tackle everyone, steal Kaleb's toy while running away giggling :-P It is so funny to watch because he will run around house with the toy while Kaleb cries and then if you ask him to give it back to Kaleb....he will. It seems like he just to torture his brother :-P Jakob is also getting better with his words/sign language. He is more likely to try and repeat a word. He will also sign for drink, more, all done and other things that he has made up. We understand it but other people probably wouldn't lol He is also loving cars, trains and airplanes :-) He loves to sit and play with a car and a race track. So odd to me to have a child that sit stills for any period of time.

I don't know about Marcin but I am having a blast with these boys!! They are so much fun to just sit back and watch them learn about the world around them. Their energy is endless (super jealous of this!) and their curiousity is endless! Sometimes Gavin will be going somewhere and ask his brothers for a hug and kiss before he goes. Sometimes Jakob will just come up and start hugging and kissing you for no reason...he is a BIG cuddler, so sweet! Kaleb will just come up, put both arms around your neck and bury his face in your shoulder for a few minutes. Of course, some days I would like to just sit and do nothing and one day I will 20 or so years. Some days are stressful and I can't wait for bedtime.

I look at our boys and wonder, where did the time go? How did they all get so big, so fast? *sigh*

Have a wonderful weekend! Sorry to be slacking on my blogs (reh reminded me to get on here), just busy around here!!

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